IDangal247 presents The Hindu Vocab on daily basis which will benefit you in upcoming examinations. The Hindu vocab includes the word with meaning, syonyms and antonyms.
Hefty (Adjective) - भारी
Meaning - large and heavy
Synonyms - burly, massive, sturdy
Antonyms - light, poor, slight
Liable (Adjective) - उत्तरदायी
Meaning - responsible by law, legally answerable
Synonyms - endangered, responsible, accountable
Antonyms - irresponsible, relieve, exempt
Comply (Verb) - पालन करना
Meaning - act in accordance with a wish or command
Synonyms - obey, fulfill, respect
Antonyms - disobey, defy resist
Decriminalise (Verb) - make legal
Synonyms - legitimize, permit, allow
Antonyms - deny, disapprove, refuse
Imbibe (Verb) - पी लेना
Meaning - to drink
Synonyms - ingest, absorb, take in
Antonyms - abstain, fast
Inclusion (Noun) - समावेशन
Meaning - the act of adding a person or thing to a situation or agreement
Synonyms - addition, incorporation
Antonyms - exclusion, subtraction
Acquit (Verb) - बरी करना
Meaning - free (someone) from a criminal charge by a verdict of not guilty
Synonyms - absolve, exonerate, exculpate, vindicate
Antonyms - convict
Emblematic (Adjective) - प्रतीकात्मक
Meaning - serving as a symbol of a particular quality or concept
Synonyms - symbolic, representative, demonstrative, suggestive
Antonyms - nonrepresentative, unworthy
Imperil (verb) - संकट में डालना
Meaning - put at risk of being harmed, injured, or destroyed
Synonyms - compromise, menance, endanger, jeopardize, expose
Antonyms - aid, assist, guard, protect
Stark (Adjective) - निरा
Meaning - severe or bare in appearance or outline
Synonyms - crist, distinct, obvious, evident
Antonyms - indistinct, pleasant, comfortable, ornate
Surmise (Verb) -शंका
Meaning - suppose that something is true without having evidence to confirm it.
Synonyms - guess, conjecture, deduce, infer
Antonyms - know
Rampant (Adjective) - अनियंत्रित
Meaning - flurishing or spreading unchecked.
Synonyms - uncontrolled, unbridle, pandemic, pervasive
Antonyms - moderate, tempered, bridled, restrained
Suffice (Verb) - पर्याप्त
Meaning - be enough or adequate
Synonyms - serve, be sufficient
Antonyms - starve, straiten, restrict