Synonyms: concede, relinquish, yield, transfer
Antonyms: keep, gain
Example Sentence:
The Principal refused to cede powers to the teacher in his absence.
Synonyms: endanger, threaten, leave vulnerable, jeopardize
Antonyms: save, guard, protect
Example Sentence:
The financial health of the company was imperiled by a string of bad investments.
Synonyms: spur, stimulate, persuade, actuate, prompt
Antonyms: deter, discourage, dissuade, restrain
Example Sentence:
He did his work, but only after I have prodded him into doing this.
Synonyms: repeal, revoke, invalidate, put off, detain
Antonyms: approval, confirm, uphold, enact
Example Sentence:
The workers rescind the strike after the Company agrees to their demands.
Synonyms: uninterested, indifferent, unconcerned, lukewarm
Antonyms: enthusiastic, eager, passionate, concerned, interested
Example Sentence:
His apathetic attitude made people think, he was an egotist.
Synonyms: accumulative, mounting, progressive, accruing
Antonyms: decreasing, regressive
Example Sentence:
Knowledge is a cumulative repository.
Synonyms: challenging, obstinate, awkward, obdurate
Antonyms: cooperative, obedient, docile
Example Sentence:
Because of some recalcitrant members, the committee got little work done.
Synonyms: pass away, vanish, expire, crumble, ruin
Antonyms: born, revive, begin, thrive
Example Sentence:
Many people perished in the blizzard.
Synonyms: bottomless, profound, awful, terrible, appalling
Antonyms: good, wonderful, appealing
Example Sentence:
They live in abysmal conditions.