
Directions: In the following question assuming the given statements to be true, find which of the following optionns holds true:

Only Conclusion I follows

Only Conclusion II follows

Either Conclusion I or II follows

Neither Conclusion I nor II follows

Both Conclusions I and II follows

Statements : A ≥  B = D, C > D ≥  P < R = Q

Conclusions : I. B < R

                       II. R < P

Statements : P ≤  Q < R > S > T, R < L ≤ V

Conclusions : I. V > T

                      II. P < S

Statements : P > Q, Q ≥  R = S < T

Conclusions : I. R < P

                      II. T > Q

Statements : H ≥ J = K, K > L, L > P, P < T

Conclusions : I. K = J > T

                      II. K ≥ P

Statements : A > B > C, B < P > A, R < C < N = B

Conclusions : I. N < A

                      II. N > C

Directions: Study the data given below carefully and answer the questions


Direction: In each of the questions below are given three statements followed by two conclusions. You have to take the given statements to be true even if they seem to be at variance from commonly known facts. Read all the conclusions and then decide which of the given conclusions logically follow from the given statements disregarding commonly known facts.

Only Conclusion I follows

Only Conclusion II follows

Either Conclusion I or II follows

Neither Conclusion I nor II follows

Both Conclusions I and II follows

Statements : All gears are machines.

                     Some machines are not keys.

                     Some keys are locks.

Conclusions : I. All locks being a key is a possibility.

                      II. No gear is a key.


Statements : No girl is a dancer.

                     All boys are dancers.

                     Some boys are actors.

Conclusions : I. No boy is an actor.

                      II. Some actors are boys.


Statements : All people are poets.

                     Some poets are singers.

                     No singer is a dancer.

Conclusions : I. Some dancers are not poets.

                      II. No people is singer.




'College is near from here' -----------> 'ti gi da ba ne'------------(1)

'here is the college library' -----------> 'ra ti ne da zic'------------(2)

'learn from this library' -----------> 'zic mo sit gi'------------(3)

'is this book' -----------> 'mo ne nic'------------(4)

'book is sold here' -----------> 'ne da do nic'.------------(5)


From (1), (2), (4) and (5) we get,

is --------> ne

From (1), (2), and (5) we get,

here --------> da

From (1) and (2) we get,

college --------> ti

From (1) and (3) we get,

from --------> gi

From (2) and (3) we get,

library --------> zic

From (3) and (4) we get,

this --------> mo

From (4) and (5) we get,

book --------> nic

From (1) we get,

near  --------> ba

From (2) we get,

the  --------> ra

From (3) we get,

learn --------> sit

From (5) we get,

sold --------> do


Directions: Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions.

In a certain code language,

'College is near from here' is coded as 'ti gi da ba ne'

'here is the college library' is coded as 'ra ti ne da zic'

'learn from this library' is coded as 'zic mo sit gi'

'is this book' is coded as 'mo ne nic'

'book is sold here' is coded as 'ne da do nic'.

What will the code 'zic nic ne' stand for in the given code lannguage?

book in library

library in college

book is library

the book here

Other than the given options.

What is the code for 'near' in the given code language?




either ba or gi

Other than the given options.

What is the code for 'from college libbrary' in the given code language?

zic ti gi

ti do ra

gi ti ne

ne do gi

Other than the given options.

What may be the code for 'this book is minne' in the given code language?

nic zic mo ti

mo nic ne do

nic mo ra do

mo ne ra nic

nic mo ne la




Ten persons have marriage anniversary in five different months viz. April, June, July, August, and October but not necessarily in the same order. Their marriage anniversary have on two different dates viz. 10 and 12. Each of them have an anniversary on ten different dates.

There are only two person’s marriage anniversaries before Q’s marriage anniversary. Two person’s anniversary between the anniversary of Q and S. P and Y have anniversary in August. Only one person’s anniversary between the anniversary of P and U. U’s anniversary is not in the same month as of S. There are the same number of anniversaries between Y and R’s anniversary as between Q and V’s anniversary. V’s anniversary is in a month having 31 days. There is no one’s anniversary between the anniversaries of W and T, whose anniversary is exactly between the anniversaries of P and X. W’s anniversary is not in the same month as T’s anniversary. 







Eight persons-S, T, U, V, WT, X, Y and Z were joined in a company in eight different years, viz. 1990, 2010, 1992, 1984, 1980, 1998, 2003 and 1989, but not necessarily in the same order. Their experiences are calculated based on 2018 on same month and same date.

W was the most experienced in the group. Only two persons were joined between Y and W. Only one persons was joined between Y and Z. S’s experience was four years more than that of twice the experience of V. Only three persons were joined between Z and S. X was joined one of the odd numbered years. U was joined before T and both are joined in the even numbered years.


Eight persons P, Q, R, S, T, U, V and W were joined in a company on the same date i.e. on 5th May but in different years

born on the same date i.e. on 5th May but in different years 1963, 1967, 1975, 1977, 1984, 1986, 1990 and 1995 not necessarily in the same order. No two persons were born on the same year. Make all the age calculation as on 5th May 2019.


T was the eldest person. Only two persons were born between V and S. O


Eight persons A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H were born on the same date i.e. on 5th May but in different years 1963, 1967, 1975, 1977, 1984, 1986, 1990 and 1995 not necessarily in the same order. No two persons were born on the same year. Make all the age calculation as on 5th May 2019.

The number of persons elder to E was twice as that of the number of persons elder to A. Number of persons born before E was equal to the number of persons born after G. Three persons were born between B and F. B was not the eldest. Only one person was born between D and H. D was elder to H.




Eight persons A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H were born on the same date i.e. on 5th May but in different years 1963, 1967, 1975, 1977, 1984, 1986, 1990 and 1995 not necessarily in the same order. No two persons were born on the same day. Make all the age calculations as on 5th May 2019. 

The number of persons elder to E was twice as that of the number of persons elder to A. Number of persons born before E was equal to the number of persons born after G. Three persons were born between B and F. B was not the eldest. Only one person was born between D and H. D was elder to H. 



ight persons A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H were born in the years 1951, 1954, 1963, 1969, 1972, 1980, 1986 and on the same date i.e. on 5th May but in different years2002 not necessarily in the same order. They were born on the same date i.e. on 1st of January. Make all the age calculations as on 1st Jan 2018. 

G’s age was found to be a perfect square. G and F were born at a gap of 2 persons. B was aged twice as that of E. D was born at a gap of 1 from E. A was elder to H who was elder to C. At least one person was born between A and G. 



Eight persons A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H worked in an organization XYZ LTD. Each person had a different monthly income. 

H earned more than D but less than E. E earned more than C who earned more than H. F earned more than A. B earned more than G but less than F. A earned more than G. D earned more than F. Number of persons who earned more than C was equal to the number of persons who earned less than that earned by A. The one who earned the third-highest had a salary of 54K. 

Which of the following can be the income of C if the difference between the income of E and H is 25K?

  1. 81k
  2. 53k
  3. 45k
  4. 72k
  5. None of the above.

Seven persons A, B, C, D, E, F, G went to a gym. Each person had a different bodyweight. The weights were integral values. 

E weighed more than B but less than D. Number of persons lighter than F was twice as that of the number of persons heavier than G. G was not the heaviest. A weighed more than C but less than B. Number of persons heavier than D was equal to the number of persons lighter than C. The third heaviest person weighed 75Kg.

If the difference between the weights of E and C is of 20 Kg, then which of the following can be the weight of F?

  1. 86 Kg
  2. 97 Kg
  3. 67 Kg
  4. 54Kg
  5. Both 3 and 4

six persons P, Q, R, S, T and U have a different body weight (Kg). Q weighed more than R but less than S. S weighed more than U. Number of persons who weighed more than U was equal to the number of persons who weighed less than T. U weighed more than T. R weighed 67 Kg. R was not the lightest. The 3rd heaviest person was not U. 

Which of the following cannot be the weight of P?

I. 66 Kg

II. 56 Kg

III. 69 Kg



P, Q, R, S, T, and U are siting around the hexagonal table at each of corner and are facing the centre of the hexagonal. Each of them belongs to different state, Assam, Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Delhi, Kerala, Sikkim. 

One person sits between S and the one who belongs to Uttar Pradesh. T sits diagonally opposite to the who belongs to Delhi. Q either belongs to Delhi or Kerala. Neither U nor R belongs to Madhya Pradesh. Q sits second to the right of the one who belongs to Assam. One persons sits between P and the one who belongs to Delhi. U sits diagonally opposite to the one who belongs to Assam. Neither P nor T belongs to Assam. R does not belong to Assam. The number of persons sit between R and the one who belongs to Sikkim (when counted from the right of R) is same as between T and the one who belongs to Kerala (when counted from the left of the one who belongs to Kerala).

T sits diagonally opposite to the who belongs to Delhi. One persons sits between P and the one who belongs to Delhi. U sits diagonally opposite to the one who belongs to Assam. Neither P nor T belongs to Assam. Q sits second to the right of the one who belongs to Assam. R does not belong to Assam.

Q either belongs to Delhi or Kerala. One person sits between S and the one who belongs to Uttar Pradesh. Neither U nor R belongs to Madhya Pradesh.

The number of persons sit between R and the one who belongs to Sikkim (when counted from the right of R) is same as between T and the one who belongs to Kerala (when counted from the left of the one who belongs to Kerala). So Case-2 is wrong.

Directions : In following questions, the symbols are used with the following meanings as illustrated below.Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below.

P & Q (24m) means P is 12m south of Q

P $ Q (38m)  means P is 19m west of Q

P @ Q (16m) means P is 8m north of Q

P # Q (26m) means P is 13m east of Q

C $ A (12); B @ D (12); H # J (8); A @ F (12); E # G (32);  D # F (8); G & C (24); J @ E (12)

Point G is in which direction with respect to C?


If Point K is @14m of point H then which of the following is the position of K with respect to E?

Which of the following points lie in the straight line?

What is the shortest distance between point B and point F?

What is the direction of G with respect to B?


Eight persons A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H were seated in a linear row facing north, Each of them has got different marks in the Bank Exam such that no two persons got same mark. Also, it is known known that age of each person is different. Following is the order of the person in the increasing order of their age:

F (45) < C(60) < H (49)  < A (63) < E (55) < B (75) < G (64) < D (80)

(Note: F (30) means that F's weight is 30 kg)


There are two persons between the person who sits at one of the corners and the bus that has 


There are certain number of persons sitting in a circle and all of them are facing outside the centre. Distanc between any two adjacent persons is same.  

Total number of people seated around the table is multiple of of 7 and more than 14. N sits second to the left of B and sits fourth to the right of M. Four people are seated between A and B. Number of people seated between M and K is is a multiple of 2 but less than 8. A sits third to the left of O, who sits second to the left of K. At most 42 people sit around the circular table.


Total number of people seated around the table is multiple of of 6 and more than 15  Pravin sits fourth to the left of Aman, sits second to the right of Akhil. Four people are seated between Mukesh and Akhil. Number of people seated between Aman and Chandan is a multiple of 2 but less than 10. Mukesh sits fifth to the right of Amar, who sits second to the right of Chandan. At most 42 people sit around the circular table.

Pravin sits second to the right of Akhil and sits fourth to the left of Aman. Four people are seated between Mukesh and Akhil. Number of people seated between Aman and Chandan is a multiple of 2 but less than 10. Mukesh sits third to the right of Amar, who sits second to the right of Chandan. At most 42 people sit around the circular table.



Ten people are sitting in two parallel rows containing five each, in such a way that there is an equal distance between adjacent persons. In row - 1, Five persons are sitting and all of them are facing south. In row - 2, five persons are sitting and all of them are facing north. Therefore, in the given arrangement each member seated in a row faces another member of the row. 


Eight of them are wearing either of the three colours: Blue, Yellow, Green while two persons are wearing a dress that has two of these colours.

The one sitting third to the right of A is wearing Blue and Green. 

The one facing A is wearing both the colours of his immediate neighbours.

Neither O nor A are at the corner.

Both the persons sitting to the left of D are wearing Blue.

N is sitting second to the right of O.

Neither N nor A is wearing only Blue.

N and A are facing opposite directions.

Q is not neighbour of N.

Q is wearing Yellow and facing south. S is sitting immediate left of R.

P is sitting to the immediate left of the one who is facing T. T is not wearing Blue. 

L is at the corner but not wearing Yellow.

The one sitting second from N is wearing Green.

Both the persons wearing only Green are facing persons wearing Yellow. 

Only one person is wearing both Blue and Green and nobody is wearing both Yellow and white.





M - P

K- A

E - D

H - S

B - R

F - N

C - T

A - O

Y - Q

N - L

1. Eight persons A, B, C, D, W, X, Y and Z who live in an eight storey building but not necessarily in the same order lowermost floor of building is number 1, one above that is number 2 and so on till top most floor which is numbered 8. Also it is known that they work for different organisation at different posts. Each of them had different year of experience, 31, 28, 22, 18, 16, 12, 8, and 3.

Y has an experience more than B but less than C and lived on 2nd floor. There are three people live between B and W, where W lived above B. Z live below W. Z is not immediate neighbour of  B and does not live on the 7th floor. X has an experience more than the one lives on 1st floor and lived above B but below C. C has 18 years of experience and lived on the 6th floor. A has an experience less than D but more than Y and W. The difference between the years of experience of person living on the 7th floor and the floor number of A is not 0. Z has an experience of more than 22 years but not the highest. The person living on the 4th floor has an experience of 22 years. B has an experience of odd number of years. Z is not  immediate neighbour of  X.


Pihu, Kiran, Rupesh, Sivika, Tarun, Urmila, Vishnu and Mahira are eight persons working in different companies , i.e. Google, Microsoft, IBM, Samsung, TATA Steel, GAIL, Wipro and TCS, but not necessarily in the same order. They like three different colour, Red, Pink, and White and not more than three persons like same colour. Further it is known that Sivika likes neither Red colour nor likes the same colour as Urmila likes. Rupesh and Urmila like the same colour and Rupesh does not work in TATA Steel. Kiran works in Google and like Pink colour and Tarun is the only other person who likes Pink. Neither the one who works in Wipro nor the one who work in TATA Steel like White colour. Pihu works in Samsung but does not like White colour. Neither Vishnu nor Mahira works in IBM. Urmila works in TCS and Vishnu works in Microsoft.


Kiran works in Google and like Pink colour and Tarun is the only other person who likes Pink. Sivika likes neither Red colour nor likes the same colour as Urmila likes So, Sivika will like White colour and Urmila will like Red colour. Rupesh and Urmila like the same colour. Pihu works in Samsung. Urmila works in TCS and Vishnu works in Microsoft.

Rupesh does not work in TATA Steel. Neither the one who works in Wipro nor the one who work in TATA Steel like White colour. Pihu does not like White colour. Neither Vishnu nor Mahira works in IBM.


Seven friends J, K, L, A, B, C and D who belong to three different cities i.e. Lucknow, Delhi and Kanpur. There are at least two friends belong to each cities - and only one of them is a male. There are two Lawyer, two Engineer and three Professor among them. 

L is a Engineer and she does not travel with the pair of sisters J and C. K and D are the only person who belong to Lucknow. K is a male Lawyer. A is a male Engineer. Two friends from the same profession do not belong to the same cities. J is not a Lawyer and belong to Delhi. D is a Professor.


L is a female Engineer. K and D are the only person who belong to Lucknow. K is a male Lawyer. A is a male Engineer. J is not a Lawyer and belong to Delhi. D is a Professor.


L does not travel with the pair of sisters J and C. Two friends from the same profession do not belong to the same cities. J is not a Lawyer, so J will be Professor.


Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions.

Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions: An input-output is given in different steps. Some mathematical operations are done in each step. No operation is repeated in next step.


As per the rules followed in the steps given above, find out in each of the following questions the appropriate steps for the given input.



Step I: Add the first digit of first number with second digit of fourth number. Add the second digit of first number with first digit of fourth number.

Step II: Add the first digit of all numbers in Step I for the first number and second digit of all numbers in Step I for the second Number.

Step III: Multiply the first digit of first number with second digit of second number and second digit of first number with first digit of second number.

Step IV: Divide second digit by first digit.

Which is the the Sum of all the numbers in Step 3?

Which of the following represent the final output?

What of the following represent the product of the second digit of the second number and the first digit of the third number in Step I.

What of the following represent the highest number obtained in all steps together?

If in the Step IV, first number is divided by second number then which will be the resultant value?


If only Conclusion I follows

If only Conclusion II follows

If either Conclusion I or II follows

If neither Conclusion I nor II follows

If both Conclusions I and II follows



Only few Cricket are Badminton.

Only few Badminton are Baseball.

All Baseball are Football.

Conclusions: I. All Badminton being Cricket is a possibility.

                      II. Some Football are Badminton

                      III. All Badminton being Baseball is a possibility.



All Elephant are Cat.

Only few Cat are Tiger.

Only few Don are Tiger.

Conclusions: I. Some Tiger can never be Cat.

                     II. Some Elephant being Dog is a possibility.

                     III. All Don being Tiger is a possibility.



Only few Red are Orange.

Only few Orange are Yellow.

No Red is Pink.

Conclusions: I. Some Yellow are Red.

II. Some Orane are not Pink

III. All Yellow being Orange is a possibility.



Money Financial Bank Energy is written as 'V#15 Z#9 M%1 T%14'

Become Examine Balance Account  is written as 'N%5 M#24 X#1 M#3'

Reach Higher Amount Return is written as 'X#5 V%9 M%13 I%5'

Believe Interest Larger Analysis is written as 'E#5 H%14 V%1 R%14'

What is code of the word 'Function' in the given code languae?

'L#9' is the code for which of the following word?


What is the code of 'Before Examination' in the given code language?



Directions: Given below are the codes for the digits/symbols. Study the conditions given below and answer the questions that follow.

Digit/Word 5 4 E C 2 6 A 7 K O R 3 I 8 S 1
Code @ # $ % & * < ? + ! > X { ^ = /


If the left most element is constant and the right most element is Odd digit then the codes of two elements got interchanged.

If the left most element is vowel and the right most element constant  then the codes will be written in reversed order.

If Both the left most element and the right most element are Odd then the code for both will be H.

If Both the left most element and the right most element are Constant then the code for both will be W.

Note: The positions of all elements in the code are to be considered from left to right. If more than one codition is applicable, then the conditions are to be applied in the given order (i.e., codition (i) followed by (ii) and so on).

What would be the code of 'EA7KO3K'?

What would be the code of '7S15AR8'

What would be the code of 'CE46I1A5'

'A' starts from his home at 10:30 A.M. on his motorbike at a speed of 10 km/hr. He goes 2 km east then turns right and goes 1 km, then turns left and goes 1 km and finally turns right and after going 1 km he reaches to his college. His younger brother B started at the same time at a speed of 12 km/hr. He goes 1 km south, turns left and goes 1 km then turns right and goes 1 km and finally again turns right and after going 1 km, he reaches to his school.

How far and in which direction is A's college from B's school?

Ans- 3 km, East

2 km + 1 km = 3 km

How far is B's school from his home?

Ans- 2 km

1 km + 1 km + 1 km + 1 km

How much more or less time did 'A' take in reaching his college as compared to the time taken by 'B' in reaching his school?

Ans- 1 min more

If it is possible to make only one meaningful word with the third, fifth, eighth and ninth letters of the word 'STETHOSCOPE' which could be the second letter of the word from the right end ? If more than one such word can be formed give 'X' as the answer. If no such word can be formed give 'Z' as your answer.


the third, fifth, eighth and ninth letters of the word 'STETHOSCOPE' are E, H, C and O respectively.

The only meaningful word that can be formed with the letters is ECHO and the second letter of the word from the right end is H.


Directions: These questions consist of a question and two statements numbered I and II given below it. You have to decide whether the data provided in the statements are suf icient to answer the question. Read both the statements and mark the appropriate answer.

Give answer :

(1) The data even in both statements I and II together are not sufficient to answer the question.

(2) The data in statement I alone are sufficient to answer the question while the data in statement II alone are not sufficient to answer the question.

(3) The data either in statement I alone or in statement II alone are sufficient to answer the question.

(4) The data in both statements I and II together are necessary to answer the question.

(5) The data in statement II alone are sufficient to answer the question while the data in statement I are not sufficient to answer the question.

1. What is the shortest distance between two points 'P' and 'Q'?

I. 'P' is 25 km North from another point 'Z', which is to the East of 'Q' at a distance of 32 km.

II. point 'Y' is to the West of 'Q' at a distance of 9.6 km and to the North of 'P' at a distance of 8.9 km.



From II and III we get the final sitting arrangement in which F sits 2nd to the right of C.

There are six persons P, Q, R, S, T and U sitting in a row facing north. who among the following sits 2nd to the right of R?

I. R sits 2nd to the right of the one who sits at the left end of row. P does not sit any of the extreme end.

II. P sits on the immediate left of Q, who sits 4th to the right of R. S sits 2nd to the left of T. S sits at one of the ends.


From only II we get the final arrangement in which U is second to the right of R.



3. In a six storey building (consisting of floors numbered 1 to 6, where in the top most floor is numbered 6 and the ground floor is number 1), each of the six friends namely, A, B, C, D, E, and F lives on a different floor. E lives on which floor number?

I. A lives on third floor. Only one person lives between A and F. E lives on an odd numbered floor below F.

II. B live on fouth floor. A lives on one of the floors below B but not on first floor. D lives on even numbered floor above A. C lives immediately above E.

E live on 1st floor.



Directions: Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions:

'P @ Q' means 'P is son of Q'.

'P # Q' means 'P is daughter of Q'.

'P $ Q' means 'P is wife of Q'.

'P % Q' means 'P is father of Q'.

What will come in place of the question mark, to establish that B is mother of P in the following expression?

"Z @ P # O % A ? B"

Ans- Either # or @

Which of the following relations are true based upon the relation given in the question:

"S $ T @ V % W # X"

Ans -  X is mother-in-law of S.


Only argument I is strong.

Only argument II is strong.

Either I or II is strong.

Neither I nor II is strong

Both I and II are strong.

Statement: Should there be reservation in Government jobs for candidates from sinle child family?


1. Yes, This will help to reduce the growing population in India as the parants will be encouraged to adopt single child norm.

2. No, This is not advisable as the jobs should be offered to only deservin candidates without any reservation for a particular group.

Neither I nor II is strong

The Govt has already made provisions for reservation of jobs for the economically weaker sections. So, abolishing the practice of reservation altogether has no meaning, Thus argument I does not hold strong. . Also, more reservations would lead to non-recruitment of many more deserving candidates. Besides, such a reservation, if implemented, will ceter to the job requirements of only a samll section of population and not a major part of it. So, argument II also does not hold strong.


Statement: The employees association has appealed to the Managers of Company Y to introduce written examinations for clerical cadre recruitment to prevent selection of incompetent persons.


1. A written examination can help to identify competent persons.

2. So far the Company Y used to select candidates without conducting a written examinations for clerical cadre recruitment

Only assumption I is implicit.

Only assumption II is implicit.

Either I or II is implicit.

If neither I nor II is implicit.

Both I and II are implicit.


Assumption I is directly from the statement and so it is implicit. An appeal has been made to 'itroduce' written examination. This means that so far written examination. So II is is implicit.


All the members of the Student Rights Coalition signed the petition calling for a meeting with the university trustees. Philip must be a member of the Student Rights Coalition since his signature appeares on the petition.

Which of the following best states the central flaw in the reasoning above?

(a) Some members of the Student Rights Coalition may not support all of the organization's positions.

(b) It is possible that Philip's signature on the petition was forged by a member of the Student Rights Coalition.

(c) Any member of the student body is eligible to sign a petition dealing with university affairs.

(d) Some of those who signed the petiton may not be member of the Student Rights Coalition.

(e) Philip may have resigned from the Student Rights Coalition after singing the petition.


In the above question it is asked to chose from a given option which weaken the statement or make it imperfect so correct answer will be (d)


1. The university authority has instructed all the colleges under its jurisdication to ban use of all phones inside the college premises.

2. Majority of the teachers of the colleges signed a joint petition to the university complaining the disturbances caused by cell phone ring-tones inside the classrooms.

Clearly, the university's decision came as a sequel to the complaint received by it from the college teachers against use of mobile phones in the college premises.

Statement I is the cause and statement II is its effect.

Statement II is the cause and statement I is its effect.

Both the statement I and II are idependent causes.

Both the statement I and II are effect of  idependent causes.

Both the statement I and II are effect of  some common causes.


1. There is considerable reduction in the number of people affected by water-borne diseases in City Z during this rainy season.

2. The government has opened four new civil hospitals in City Z in the begining of the year.

Ans - Both the statement I and II are idependent causes.




Are all the four friends, viz A, B, C, and D, who are sitting around a circular table, facing the centre?

I. B sits second to the right of D. D faces the centre. C sits on the immediate right of both B and D.

II. A sits on the immediate left of B. C is not an immediate neighbour of A. C sits on the immediate right of D.

III. D is an immediate neighbour of both A and C. B sits on the immediate left of A. C sits on the immediate right of B.

Only I

Only II and III

All I, II and III are required to answer the question

Only II and either I or III are required to answer the question

All I, II and III are not sufficient to answer the question



All books are notebooks

Only few notebooks are pencils.

Some pens are pencils.


All books can be pencils.

Some pens are not notebooks.

only 1 follows.


A certain number of boxes are kept one above the in such a way that the box at bottom most is numbered 1 and above it is numbered 2 and so on.

Box Z is kept at the second position from top. Box K is placed immediately below Box C. Number of boxes that can be kept between O and A is equal to that of boxes that can be kept between B and O. Box M is kept at the top position. There are almost 3 boxes that can be kept between N and O. Only three boxes are kept between Z and A, who placed below Box Z. There are four boxes that are kept between K and O. Only one box is kept between K and D, who is placed below K.  Not more than 7 boxes are kept between A and B. Number of boxes that can be kept between K and X is equal to that of boxes that can be kept between N and O. Only 4 boxes can be kept between N and C. Both C and K are placed adjacent to neither A nor B. Only two boxes can be kept between Y and M. There are not more than 15 boxes in the arrangement.


Directions (61-65): Study the following information and answer the questions given below:

There are ten teachers P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, and Z. All of them are seated on two parallel rows, each row consists of six chairs. P, Q, R, S, and T, sit at Row 1, which is facing in north direction and U V, W, X, and Z, sit at Row 2, which is facing south direction. One seat is vacant in each row. Each of them is teaching different subjects, viz Science, Civics, Sanskrit, Geography, Reasoning, History, English, Hindi, Mathematics, and Computer but not necessarily in the same order.

The one who teaches Science sits opposite to P. The one who teaches History sits third to the left of T. W does not sit at any extreme end. The one who teaches English sits second from the right end of Row 2. U faces vacant seat and X faces Q. There are three seats between S and Q who does not face the one who teaches Hindi. T sits opposite to the one who teachs Civics who sits at extreme end. Z sits immediate right of one vacant seat. R faces the vacant seat that is second to the right of U. The one who teaches Hindi faces the one who sits fourth to the left of the one who teaches English. There is only one seat between the one who teaches Science and the one who teaches Hindi. The one who teaches Geography sits just to the left of the one who teaches Reasoning. V is an immediate neighbour of the one who teaches Geography. The one who teaches Sanskrit faces the one who sits adjacent to vacant seat. The one who teaches Mathematics sits adjacent to the one who faces the one who teaches Civics. One seat is vacant between P and Q.

The one who teaches Mathematics sits adjacent to the one who faces the one who teaches Science.

Who among the following sits second to the left of the one who teaches Reasoning?

Which of the following sentence is correct?

U faces the one who teaches Sanskrit.

Z sits adjacent to vacant seat.

T teaches History.

R is not immediate neighbour of P.

All are correct.


Four of the following five pairs are alike in a certain way based on their positions in the above arrangement and so form a group. Which of the following does not belong to the group? 

Who among the following faces the one teaches Science?


Eight Cars P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, and W are participating in a race. All are standing at a distance of 1 km, 2 km, 3 km, 4 km, 5 km and 6 km from their immediate neighbour but not necessarily in the same order.

Two cars are at the same distance of 5 km from their immediate neighbours, Car Q is 3 km left of Car R and 6 km away from Car U.

Car Q is standing immediately between Car T and Car V at 5 km and 2 km respectively. Car W is 4 km left of Car T.

Car S is second to the right of Car R. Car on the extreme left is 10 km away from T.

Car W starts moving towards the south and after going 5 km; it takes right turn and going 2 km and reached point O.

Another Car Y, which moves more than 6 km but less than 10 km towards north of point O (also divisible by 3), going 5 km towards the east and stops at point L.

Car R moves 4 km towards north direction, and then takes a left turn and goes 5 km straight. Then it turns again to its right direction and moves another 5 km and halts at point G.

Which Car will be met first, if Car 'R' moves in the west direction before turning to right? 

The new position of Car W is in which direction with respect to the new position of Car R?

What is the new position of Car 'W' with respect to Car T?

How many Car there between Car 'T' and S'?

What is the shortest distance between the new position of Car Y and the new position of Car R?

The new position of Car Y is in which direction with respect to W?


Q246. What is the shortest distance of Motorcycle J and Motorcycle C (From their new Position)?

(a) √ Km (b) √ Km (c) 11 Km (d) √ Km (e) None of these

Q247. How many Motorcycles are there in between Motorcycles ‘E and ‘D’??

(a) Two (b) Five (c) Six (d) Four (e) None of these

Q248. What is the new position of Motorcycle ‘H’ with respect to the Motorcycle ‘A’?

(a) 5 km towards north-west (b) 5 km towards south-east (c) 6 km towards east (d) 4 km towards west (e) None of these

Q249. What is the position of Motorcycle ‘C’ without turning to right with respect to point ‘Y’?

(a) 5√ km towards south-east (b) 5 km towards north-east (c) 7 km towards south (d) 10 km towards north (e) None of these

Q250. Which Motorcycle will be met first, if Motorcycle ‘C’ moves in the west direction before turning to right?

(a) G (b) J (c) K (d) Y (e) None of these


Study the given information carefully and answer the following questions.

A number arrangement machine when given numbers, rearranges them following a particular rule in each step. The following is an illustration of input and steps rearrangement.

Input:     134587  275246  198928  763251  952342  574823

Step 1:   785431  642572  829891  152367  243259  328475

Step 2:   829891  785431  642572  328475  243259  152367

Step 3:   288199  481357  224657  248357  224359  261357

Step 4:   16881   32335  42435  82435  41245  12335

Step 5:       24        16       18          22        16       14

and step V is the last step of the rearrangement. As per the rules followed in the above steps, find out in each of the following questions the appropriate step for the given Input.

Input:     145231   427345  192745   931256   534872   734671   312386


In the first step, digits are arranged in reverse order within each number. 

In the second step, the numbers are arranged in descending order from left to right.

In the third step, firstly even numbers are arranged in ascending order and then odd numbers are arranged in ascending order within each number.

In the fourth step, the digit within each number of step III, the first digit is multiplied with a second digit, the third digit is multiplied with fourth digit and the fifth digit is multiplied with sixth digit.

In the fifth step, All digit within each number of step IV are added to form a single number.

Final Solution, 

Input:       145231     427345    192745    931256     534872     734671    312386

Step I:      132541     543724    547291    652139     278435     176437    683213

Step II:     683213     652139    547291    543724     278435     176437    132541

Step III:    268133     261359    241579    244357     248357     461377     241135

Step IV:    1289         12345       8563       81235       82435       24349       8115

Step V:       20             15            22           19              22             22            15

What would be the last step of the following input?

Which element is third from the right in Step III?

What would be the penultimate step of the given input?

Which comes exactly between "652139" and "543724" in Step II?

How many steps are there?



Directions: These questions consist of a question and two statements numbered I and II given below it. You have to decide whether the data provided in the statements are sufficient to answer the question. Read both the statements and mark the appropriate answer.

Give answer :

(1) The data even in both statements I and II together are not sufficient to answer the question.

(2) The data in statement I alone are sufficient to answer the question while the data in statement II alone are not sufficient to answer the question.

(3) The data either in statement I alone or in statement II alone are sufficient to answer the question.

(4) The data in both statements I and II together are necessary to answer the question.

(5) The data in statement II alone are sufficient to answer the question while the data in statement I are not sufficient to answer the question.


Q. What is the distance (in km) between Sagarpur and Surajpur by the shortest route?

I. Surajpur is 10 km to the north of Rajanpur which is 123 km away from Sagarpur.

II. Sagarpur is 84 km away from Dayalpur which is 30 km away from Surajpur.

Both the information lack the requisite information, viz direction of Sagarpur with respect to Surajpur.

The data even in both statements I and II together are not sufficient to answer the question.


Is Mr 'X' entitled to get promotion in the month of October 2020?

I. As per his office rules, the only condition for promotion is the completion of 10 years of service in a particular grade on 31st December of every year.

II. Mr 'X' has been working in this office for the last 10 years.

When were 10 years completed? If X completed 10 years sometime in 2020, he will be entitled to promotion only after December 31, 2020.

The data even in both statements I and II together are not sufficient to answer the question.


Among five persons, P, Q, R, S and T who is the highest salary earner?

I. Q's salary is less than the sum of the salaries of P and R, but more than the sum of salaries of T and S.

II. P's salary is more than that of both T and S but less than that of R who ranks second in descending order of their salaries.

From I: (P + R) > Q > (T +S)

we can't answer the question on the basis of statement I. we need some more information.

From II: R > P > (T + S)

And given that R ranks second in descending order of their salaries. Hence Q is the highest salary earner.

The data in statement II alone are sufficient to answer the question while the data in statement I are not sufficient to answer the question.


What does 'Po' mean in a code language?

I. 'Ne Se Le Li' means 'you may go now' and Na Se Ne Po' means 'he may go there' in that code language.

II. 'Qi Si Po Vo' means come there and see' and 'Si Ni Vo Qi' means' 'come here and see' in that code language.

From I: Po = he or there

From II: Pe = there

Hence option (2) is the right answer choice.


What is Vishal's rank in a class of 60?

I. Imran, ranking 20th in the class from the top, is 9 ranks below Virat, who is 7 rank above Vishal.

II. Rohit, the 12th from the bottom, is 22 ranks below Aman, who is 7 ranks below Vishal.


From I: Imran's rank = 20

Virat's rank = 20 - 9 = 11

Vishal's rank = 11 + 7 = 18

From II: Rohit's rank = 60 - 12 + 1 = 49

Aman's rank = 49 - 22 = 27

Vishal's rank = 27 - 7 = 20


Directions: In a certain instruction system, the different computation processes are written as follows:

(i) x$y%z means x is added to the product of y and z.

(ii) x©y@z means x is multiplied by y and the resultant is subtracted from z.

(iii) x&y►z means x is added to y and the resultant is divided by z.

(iv) x#y♦z means y is multiplied by z and the resultant is divided by x.


32  $  22  %  5  =  n

n   &  10   ►  8  =  ?

Here, 32  $  22  %  5

= 32 + 22 × 5  [use (i)]

= 32 + 110

= 142 = n

Now, n  &  10  ►  8

= 142  &  10  ►  8

=   [use (iii)]

= 19


243  ©  5    @  1250  =  m

m    &  13   ►  16     =   ?

Here, 243  ©  5  @  1250

= 1250 - (243 × 5)  [use (ii)]

= 1250 - 1215

= 35 = m

Now, m  &  13  ►  16

= 35  &  13  ►  16

=   [use (iii)]

= 3


60  #  192  ♦  15  =  g

6   ©    3   @   g  =  ?

Here, 60  #  192  ♦  15

=   [use (iv)]

= 48 = g

Now, 6  ©  3  @  g

= 6  ©  3  @  48

= 48 - (6 × 3)  [use (ii)]

= 30


17  ©  4  @  88  = p

5    #   p   ♦   4  =  ?

Here, 17  ©  4  @  88

= 88 - (17 × 4)  [use (ii)]

= 88 - 68

= 20 = p

Now, 5  #  p  ♦  4

= 5  #  20  ♦  4

=   [use (iv)]

= 16



Nine people P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, and X stay in a building but not necessarily in the same order. The building has nine floors and only one person stays on one floor. All of them own one car each, and each car is of a different company i.e. Tata Motors, Suzuki, Toyota, Hyundai, Ford, Honda, Volkswagen, Audi, and BMW, but not necessarily in the same order. The ground floor is numbered 1, the floor above it is numbered 2, and so on, and the topmost floor is numbered 9.

P does not stay on the odd-numbered floor but stays below the floor on which W stays. W owns a Hyundai car and does not stay on the odd-numbered floor. The one who owns Audi stays on the fourth floor. T stays on the second floor and owns a Toyota car. The one who owns BMW stays on the third floor. P does not own a Honda car. There are two floors between the floors on which the people owning Volkswagen and Hyundai car. R owns Suzuki. There are three floors between the floors on which R and V stay. U does not stay on the ground floor. S stays on a floor immediately above X floor. There is one floor between the floors on which U and V stay. U does not own BMW. The one who owns Tata Motors stays on the topmost floor.


There are eight houses located on either side of a road-four on each side. Each house on one side is exactly opposite the house on the other side. Each house has a different number of family members. Each house has an owner viz. Chauhan, Sinha, Gupta, Kapoor, Kumar, Sharma, Tripathi, and Shukla.

The house which has the most number of members is neither on any of the ends nor does it face east.

Tripathi's house has the least members and is exactly opposite to the house of Kumar, which faces west.

Shukla's house has fewer members than only Sinha's house has and faces west.

Kumar's family has more members than Kapoor's family but fewer than only Sinha's and Shukla's family members.

Sharma's house is exactly opposite Gupta's house, which faces west. 

Chauhan's house is third to the left of Tripathi's and second to the left of Sharma's house.

Chauhan's family has more members then Gupta's family but fewer than Sharma's family, which has fewer members than Kapoor's family.

Sinha's house is second to the right of Kumar's house.

1. Whose house has more members than only Tripathi?

2. How many houses have more family members than Kapoor's house has?

3. Whose house is exactly opposite to Shukla's house?

4. Whose house is second to the right of Kumar's house?

5. Whose house is opposite to Shukla's house?


Direction: In each question below is given a statement followed by two courses of action numbered I and II. A course of action is a step or administrative decision to be taken for improvement, follow-up or further action in regard to the problem, policy, etc. On the basis of the information given in the statement to be true, then decide which of the suggested courses of action logically follow(s) for pursuing.

1. only I follows.

2. only II follows.

3. either I or II follows.

4. neither I nor II follows.

5. both I and II follow.


There has been a substantial drop in the number of people opting for new telephone connection from the public sector telephone company in the recent months.

Courses of action:

I. The public sector telephone company should immediately set up a committee to identify the reasons for the drop.

II. The public sector telephone company should offer new schemes with value-added services to woo new clients.

both I and II follow.

I is advisable because it will be helpful in choosing a suitable course of action to attract consumers towards the public sector telephone company. II is also advisable because the move may attract more customers.


Many cases of life-threatening strains of malaria have been reported in the locality due to the construction activity of the flyover in the area.

Courses of action:

I. The people in the locality should be advised to take precautionary measured to avoid mosquito bites.

II. The construction of the flyover should immediately be stopped and the project should be scrapped.

only I follows.

The course of action given in I is a safety measure and hence is advisable. II is absurd and hence not advisable.


Direction: In each question below is given a statement followed by two assumptions numbered I and II. An assumption is something supposed or taken for granted. You have to consider the statement and the following assumptions and decide which of the assumptions is implicit in the statement.

1. only assumption I is implicit.

2. only assumption II is implicit.

3. either I or II is implicit.

4. neither I nor II is implicit.

5. both I and II is implicit.

In view of the large number of cases of suicides committed by the farmers in State X the State Government has decided to waive off the agricultural loans granted to the farmers.


I. This may stop further cases of suicides committed by the farmers in State X.

II. This move of the Government may be welcomed by the public at large.

both I and II is implicit.

I is an assumption because the government is assuming that the initiative taken by it is an effort to rectify the problem. II is obvious because the initiative taken by the government has been aimed at benefiting the farmers.


Direction: In each question below is followed by two arguments numbered I and II. You have to decide which of the arguments is a 'strong' argument and 'weak' argument. In making decisions about important questions, it is desirable to be able to distinguish between 'strong' arguments and 'weak' arguments. 'Strong' arguments are those which are both important and directly related to the question. 'Weak' arguments are those which are of minor importance and also may not be directly related to the question or may be related to a trivial aspect of the question.

1. only Argument I is strong.

2. only Argument II is strong.

3. either I or II is strong.

4. neither I nor II is strong.

5. both I and II are strong.


Should there be a complete ban on the use of pesticides for maintaining fruit-growing plants and trees?


I. No, all those plants and trees will get destroyed by the attacks of the pests, causing severe financial loss to the farmers.

II. Yes, the hazardous chemicals used in the pesticides find their way into the fruits, causing a serious health hazard to all those who consume these fruits.


Argument I is true. The interest of farmers must be protected. Hence, Argument I is strong. Argument II is true. Serious health hazard is not desirable. Hence, II is strong on the basis of health ground.



Should all the government appointees as heads of different organisations other than administrative cadre personnel resign at the time of change of government?


I. Yes, this practice is being followed in USA and has been found to be effective.

II. No, such appointments should be kept out of political influences and each of them should be allowed to complete their full term.


Neither I nor II gives a reason why the government appointees as heads of different organisations should retain or resign from their positions. Hence, neither I nor II is strong.




Certain number of persons are standing in a row facing north. Each person has a box which are kept above one another. Each box is of different colour i.e. red, black, white, blue, brown, yellow, pink and green but not necessarily in the same order. Only three people sit between A and B. H has box of pink colour and is kept at the bottom of the stack. Only four people sit between B and C. D sits third to the right of E. Only six people sit between B and F. Not more than three people sit between C and F. More than four people are between D and F. G sits third to the right of F. Only three boxes are kept between box of D and box of G. Box of G is placed above box of D. None of them sits between G and E. H sits eight to the left of C. The box of green colour is kept immediately above box of G. Not more than three persons sit between A and H. Only three boxes are kept between the box of blue colour and the box of red colour. The black box is immediately above the yellow box. Only one box is kept between the box of green colour and box of A. Box of E is of green colour. Only one box is kept between box of B and the box of brown colour. Box of G is not of black colour. Box of F is kept immediately below the box of brown colour. The box of blue colour is kept immediately above box of E.


Seven persons K, L, M, N, O, P, Q were born in seven different years viz. 1989, 1985, 1965, 1993, 1964, 1998, 2004. (All the ages of the given persons have been calculated on base year 2018). The sum of ages of N and L is equal to the age of O. The age of M and P is an even number but none of them is an oldest person. The difference between the ages of P and N is a perfect square. The difference between the ages of K and P is the age of Q.

Eight persons A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H are going to visit WOW on two different dates 4 and 27 of four different months viz. August, September, October and November. Only one person goes to WOW on one date of one month. D goes on an even date of a month. Three person goes in between D and B. A goes immediately before H. F goes immediately before C in same month. D goes in a month which has 30 days. Only one person goes in between C and A. A goes before B. E does not go in a month which has 30 days.


Eight employees J, K, L, P, Q, R, A and B give presentation on four different months of the year viz. January, April, August and September, such that not more than two employees give their presentations in each of the months. Presentations can be given on either 7th or 14th day of the month. No two presentations can be given on the same day. 
There are three presentations between the presentations of L and R. B gives presentation immediately before K. P and K give the presentations in the same month. Q gives presentations in the month of January. R gives presentation after L. The number of employees who give presentations between the presentation of A and B is the same as the number of employees who give presentation between the presentation of K and Q. 


Eight people P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, and W are sitting around a circular table but not necessarily in the same order. Some of them are facing towards the center and rest are facing opposite the center. Each person like different games i.e. Cricket, Baseball, Hockey, Badminton, Tennis, Basketball, Volleyball, and Golf but not necessarily in same order. Not more than two consecutive persons face same direction.

The person who likes cricket sits third to the right of P. V sits third to the left of P. Q and W sits opposite to each other. Q is not an immediate neighbor of V. Neither Q nor W likes cricket. One person sits between V and T. Two persons sit between W and U, who likes Hockey. R sits third to the right of U. P and S are immediate neighbors of each other. One person sits between the persons, who likes Hocket and the person, who likes Basketball. The person who like Basketball sits opposite to the person, who likes Badminton. V likes Baseball. The person who likes Badminton sit second to the left of person, who likes Tennis. Neither Q and P likes Tennis S face opposite the center. W, and P face same direction. The person who likes baseball sit second to the left of V. Q and P faces the opposite direction to each other. T and R face same direction. The person who likes Hockey sit right to the person who likes Basketball. P does not like Hockey.









Eight friends P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, and W are sitting around a square in such a way that four of them sit at four corners of the square while four sit in the middle of each of the four sides. The ones who sit at four corners face the centre of the table while who sit in the middle of the sides face outside. Each of them likes a different subject, viz Hindi, Physics, History, English, Biology, Chemistry, Geography, and Mathematics. (None of the information given is necessarily in the same order)

R sits third to the left of the one who likes Mathematics. The one who likes Mathematics faces outside. Only two persons sit between R and W. The one who likes Hindi sits on the immediate right of W. The one who likes Biology sits second to the right of V. V is neither an immediate neighbour of W nor of R. V does not like Mathematics. Only one person sits between P and the one who likes Biology. S sits on the immediate left of the one who likes Chemistry. V does not like Chemistry. T likes Geography. T is not an immediate neighbour of P. The one who likes Physics is an immediate neighbour of T. The one who likes English is an immediate neighbour of U.

Who among the following represent the immediate neighbours of the one who likes Biology?


Which of the following is true regarding Q?


Which is the position of the one who likes Chemistry with respect to V?

Who amongst the following sits diagonally opposite the one who likes Hindi?


Which of the following subjects does S like?

Correct Choice - C

Case -I R sits third to the left of the one who likes Mathematics. The one who likes Mathematics faces outside. Only two persons sit between R and W. The one who likes Hindi sits on the immediate right of W.

Case -II The one who likes Biology sits second to the right of V. V is neither an immediate neighbour of W nor of R. V does not like Mathematics.

Case -III Only one person sits between P and the one who likes Biology. S sits on the immediate left of the one who likes Chemistry. V does not like Chemistry.

Case -IV T likes Geography. T is not an immediate neighbour of P. The one who likes Physics is an immediate neighbour of T. The one who likes English is an immediate neighbour of U.




There are eight boxes P, Q, R, X, Y, Z, K and L, All the box are placed one above the another but necessarily in the same order.

Box L is placed five-place either above or below Box R. There are gap of three boxes between P and Z. The box X is not placed immediately above or immediately below the box Z. There are two boxes between L and P. Box Y does not place below Box L and does not place on the top. There is only one box between Q and X. There are gap of two boxes between Y and K. There are two boxes between Z and Q.

Which of the following box is placed at the bottom?

Which of the following box is placed at the top?

Which of the following box is placed immediately above the box Z?

How many boxes are placed between the box P and Y?

Which of the following box is placed immediately below the box K?




Which of the following box is at the bottom? 

Which of the following box is immediately above the D?

How many boxes are placed between the box D and H ?

How many boxes are placed below the box E?

If C is related to B and A is related to H in certain way, then D is related to ?

There are seven students R, S, T, U, V, X and Y. All of them go to library in a week starting from Monday to Sunday (of the same week) but not necessarily in the same order. Only one student goes to library on each day.

T goes to library one of the days before on Wednesday. Two students go to library between T and X. Only one student goes to library between X and V. Two students go to library between V and R. Only one students go to library between R and Y. Two students go to the library between S and U. U does not go to library on Wednesday.

Who among the following goes to library on Saturday?

Four of the following five are alike in a certain way and so form a group. Which of the following does not belong to that group?

Who among following goes to library immediately before the days on which R goes to library?

 S goes to library on which of the following days? 

How many students go to library before T?



There are six National parks viz. Corbett, Gir forest, Keoladeo, Kanha, Kaziranga, and Manas have six different animals viz. Elephant, Tiger, Rhinoceros, Deer, Wild Ass and Lion but not necessarily in the same order. These parks are in six different states namely Assam, Manipur, Kerala, Gujarat, MP and UP but not necessarily in the same order.

Tiger is not in the Gir forest. The lion is in the park which is in MP but neither in Kanha nor in Keoladeo. Kaziranga is in UP but it does not have a tiger or wild Ass. Deer is in the park in Assam. Neither Corbett nor manas is in Manipur. kerala's national park has no tiger. Gir forest is neither in Kerala nor in m.p. Corbett park is neither in Assam nor in Kerala. An elephant is in the park which is in Manipur. deer is neither in Corbett nor in Gir forest. manas park has neither wild Ass nor deer. Keoladeo is nor in Assam. Corbett Park has no lion.

National Park State Animals
Corbett Gujarat Tiger
Gir forest Manipur Elephant
Keoladeo Kerala Wild ass
Kanha Assam Deer
Kaziranga UP Rhinoceros
Manas MP Lion

Which of the following animals is in Manas Park?

'Rhinoceros' is in which park?

'Wild Ass' is in which of the following states?

Gujarat's national park is-

'Keoladeo' park is in which of the following states?


Eight friends P, R, T, V, W, J, F and K are sitting around a circle facing the centre. T is third to the right of F and second to the left of W.  K is third to the left of R. J is between W and K. P and R are not immediate neighbours of W.

Which of the following pairs has the second person to the immediate left of the first person?






Which of the following is the correct position of P?

second to the left of K

to the immediate right of R

Between W and T

fourth to the right of W

None of these


Which of the following is the correct position of T with respect to K's position?

immediate right

second to the right

second to the left

third to the right

None of these


Directions: These questions are based on the following set of numbers.

327    438    634    196    541

If the first and the third digit in each number are interchanged, which number will be the smallest?

327    438     634     196     541

when  first and the third digit in each number are interchanged,

723    834     436     691    145

If the first two digits in each number are interchanged and then the newly formed numbers are arranged in descending order, which number will be second? 

327    438     634     196     541

when the first two digits in each number are interchanged,

237    348     364     916     451

then the newly formed numbers are arranged in descending order,

916     451     364     348     237


A, B, C, D, E, F, G, and H are four married couples sitting in a circle facing the center, but not necessarily in the same order. Males within the group like four different sports viz Hockey, Cricket, Football, and Tennis.

Among the males, D, and H are sitting together. Cricket and tennis are liked by D and H respectively. Each man is seating beside his wife. They belong to three different cities in the country. Not more than three people can live in any of the three cities of the country. B does not live in Lucknow. G, the wife of the one who likes Hockey and is sitting second to the right of H. Two males live in Jaipur and two females live in Delhi. F is sitting between G and H. The one who likes football lives in Jaipur with A. B is the wife of the one who likes Football. C does not like Football. The one who lives in Lucknow like Cricket. C lives in Delhi. E is male. G does not live in Delhi. Only two people live in Lucknow. E is sitting between B and A, who sit second to the right of B.

Which of the following is A's position with respect to the one who likes cricket?

Which of the following is E's position with respect to B?

Which of the following is not true regarding couples?

Who among the following live in Jaipur?

Which of the following does match correctly?


Eight person A, B, C, D, E, F, G, and H were born in different years – 1945, 1951, 1966, 1972, 1975, 1981, 1994, and 2006. There ages are with respect to the current year (2020), same date and same month.

E was born before 1966. Difference between the ages of E and H is 21 years. A is older than H but not the oldest. B's birth year is not an odd-numbered year. B was not born in the year 2006. Difference between the ages of B and F is less than 5 years. The sum of ages of C and D is 53 years old. C is not 14 years old.



If the quantity sold of item D increased by 50% and the price reduced by 10%. What was the total value of the quantity sold for item D?

Quantity sold of item D = 40 quintals

New quantity = (40 + 50% of 40) quintals = 60 quintals

Price of item D = Rs 12.5 per kg

New price = Rs(12.5 - 10% of 12.5) per kg = Rs 11.25

Required total value = Rs (60 x 100 x 11.25) = Rs 67500



Approximately, what is the average price per kg of items, P, Q, and R?

Required average = Rs (17.5 + 10 + 7.5 )/3 = Rs 35/3 = Rs 11.66 = Rs 10.50


What is the ratio between the total values of quantity sold for items E and F respectively?

Total value of quantity sold for item E

= Rs(25 x 100 x 15) = Rs 37500

Total value of quantity sold for item F

= Rs (35 x 100 x 10) = Rs 35000

Required ratio = 37500 : 35000 = 15 : 14


Total value of the quantity sold for item R is what percent of the total value of the quantity sold for item E?

Total value of quantity sold for item C

= Rs(45 x 100 x 7.5) = Rs 33750

Required percent = 33750/37500 x 100 = 90


If the price as well as the quantity sold is increased by 20% for item A, what is the total value of quantity sold for item A?

Price of item A = Rs 17.5 per kg

increased price = Rs (17.5 + 20% of 17.5) per kg = Rs 21 per kg

Quantity sold for item A = 20 quintals

increased quantity = (20 + 20% of 20) quintals = 24 quintals

total value of quantity sold for item A = Rs(21 x 24 x 100) = Rs 50400




Latter - reverse letter of 2nd letter from right.

Symbole - total number of letters in each word, if the total number of letters is odd, then use #. and if the total number of letters is even, then use %.

Digit - 2nd letter from the left in each word,.

Digit - The digit in the code represents the position of Letter in English Alphabets.

Hence the code for "DIGIT" is "5#I"


What is code of the word 'Before Digit Duration Exam' in the given code language?

Hence the code for 'Before Digit Duration Exam' is I%5  R#9  L%21  Z%24.

What is code of the word 'Function' in the given code language?

Hence the code for 'Function' is 'L%21'.



'L#9' is the code for which of the following word?

Hence the code for 'Direction' is 'L#9'.



What is the code of 'Before Examination' in the given code language?

Hence the code for 'Before Examination' is 'I%5  L#24'.


Directions: In a certain instruction system, the different computation processes are written as follows:

(i) x$y%z means x is added to the product of y and z.

(ii) x©y@z means x is multiplied by y and the resultant is subtracted from z.

(iii) x&y►z means x is added to y and the resultant is divided by z.

(iv) x#y♦z means y is multiplied by z and the resultant is divided by x.


15  ©  3  @  62  = p

7    #   p   ♦   14  =  ?

Here, 15  ©  3  @  62

= 62 - (15 × 3)  [use (ii)]

= 62 - 45

= 17 = p

Now, 7  #  p  ♦  14

= 7  #  17  ♦  14

=   [use (iv)]

= 34


30  #  142  ♦  15  =  g

8   ©    5   @   g  =  ?

Here, 30  #  142  ♦  15

=   [use (iv)]

= 71 = g

Now, 8  ©  5  @  g

= 8  ©  5  @  71

= 71 - (8 × 5)  [use (ii)]

= 31


43  ©  5    @  365  =  m

m    &  26   ►  16     =   ?

Here, 43  ©  5  @  365

= 365 - (43 × 5)  [use (ii)]

= 365 - 215

= 150 = m

Now, m  &  26  ►  16

= 150  &  26  ►  16

=   [use (iii)]

= 11



13  $  25  %  10  =  n

n   &  25   ►  9  =  ?

Here, 13  $  25  %  10

       = 13 + 25 × 10       [use (i)]

       = 263 = n 

Now, n   &  25   ►  9

      = 263   &  25   ►  9

      =   [use (iii)]


     =  32


There are eight members P, Q, S, T, V, W, X, and Z in the family. They are seated in a straight line facing north.  Each of them has different weights and each person has a different age. The sequence given below shows the arrangement of the persons in increasing order of their age.

P(98) < X(82) < V(17) < T(51) < Q(65) < W(53) < S(27) < Z(49)

Thus, P was the youngest member of the family, and Z was the eldest member of the family. The numbers in the brackets denote the weight of each person. P's weight is 98 kg and X's weight is 82 kg and so on.

There are only two persons between P and Z.

P is not an immediate neighbour of V or W.

X sits second from one of the extreme ends of the row.

S is not an immediate neighbour of the one who is the heaviest member in the family.

Z is second to the right of a person who is elder than V but younger than W.

V is not an immediate neighbour T.

Three persons sit between V and W but neither of them sits at the extreme ends of the row.

Either the person whose weight is 17 or 53 is sitting third to the left of T.


What is the position of Z with respect to V?

How many persons sit between S and the eldest persons of the family?

Based on the given arrangement, which of the following is true with respect to P?

Who among the following represents the person seated at the extreme end of the line?

Who sits between T and X?


P, Q, S, T, V, W, X, and Z

V, W, X, Z, P, Q, S and T

A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H


Eight persons A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H were seated in a straight row facing the north.

Each person had some chocletes with him, and each person was of a different height.

The sequance given below shows the arrangement of the persons in increasing order of their weights.


Eight persons P, Q, S, T, V, W, X, and Z were seated in a straight row facing the north.

Each person has different weights and each person has differend age.

The sequance given below shows the arrangement of the persons in increasing order of their age.


Thus, P was the youngest, and Z was the eldest.






There are seven members K, L, M, N, O, P, and Q in the family. Each of them has a relationship with Q in some manners viz, Father, Mother, wife, sister, son, and daughter but not necessarily in the same order. All of them go to library in a week staring from Tuesday (of the same week) but not necessarily in the same order. Only one member goes to library on each day.

N goes to lirary just after Q's mother.

Two members go to library between K and L, who goes to library after K.

Q's father goes to library on wednesday.

O was the sister of Q.

Three members go to library between O and Q's wife.

O goes to library before Q's wife.

P goes to library immediately after Q.

Three members go to library between Q's daughter and Q's son.

Q's son goes to library after Q's daughter.

N is not the wife of Q.

Q and K do not go to library on consecutive days.








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