The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary: 22nd June 2020

Prepsutra presents The Hindu Vocab on a daily basis which will benefit you in all Competitive examinations. It is very essential to read and memories vocab on a daily basis to score good marks in English Section.

intusion (Noun) - infiltrate, intrusion, obtrusion, infiltration. (घुसपैठ)

Ex - He was being disturbed by Man's intrusion but that did not stop Irfan from talking. (वह इस बातचीत से डिस्टर्ब हो रहा था, पिर भी उसने उन्हें माना नहीं किया।)

erecting (Verb) - plumb, erect, disarm, straighten out. (सीधा करना)

Ex - A bushy annual plant, with erect, slender stems that grows up to 30 cm in height. (एक झाड़ीनुमा वार्षिक पौधा जिसका सीधा खड़ा पतला तना होता है जिसकी ऊंचाई 30 सेमी होती है। )

veterans (Noun) - elderely, veterans, primogenitor. (बुजुर्ग)

Ex - Even veteran activists for children's rights may balk at the idea. (बाल अधिकारों के जानेमाने हिमायती भी एक बार तो चौंक जाते हैं। )

treasury (Noun) - storage, stock, stockpile, store, storehouse, treasury. (भंडार)

Ex - A treasury bill is a type of government paper. (ट्रेजरी बिल (खजान बिल) एक सरकारी बान्ड माना जाता है। )

liaison (Noun) - Connection, touch, contact, link, communication, liaison. (संपर्क)

Ex - All persons so interested should contact the liaison officer immediately. (ऐसे हितबद्ध सभी व्यक्ति संपर्क अधिकारी को तत्काल संपर्क करें। )

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