The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary: 30th December 2019

IDangal247 presents The Hindu Vocab on a daily basis which will benefit you in all Competitive examinations. It is very essential to read and memories vocab on a daily basis to score good marks in English Section.

Agitation (noun)Movement, Campaign, a state of anxiety or nervous excitement (आंदोलन)

Egregious (adj) - powerful, blatant, shocking, outstandingly bad (प्रबल)

Circumspect (adj) - vigilant, careful, alert, wary and unwilling to take risks (चौकस)

Unsolicited (adj) - unpleasant, mistrustful, not asked for; given or done voluntarily (अनचाही)

Deplorable (adj) - unfortunate, deserving strong condemnation; completely unacceptable (बहुत ही बुरा)

Incentivize (verb) - motivate or encourage; provide with an incentive( प्रोत्साहित)

Composite (noun) - mixture, elements or a thing made up of several parts (संयुक्त)

Inherent (adj) - implicit, existing in something as a permanent (अंतर्निहित)

Exigent (adj) - loud, strong, pressing, demanding (जोरदार)

Indubitable (adj) - obvious, impossible to doubt; unquestionable (ज़ाहिर)

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