Fiduciary (noun) - involving trust, escrow, trust (ज़िम्मेदार व्यक्ति)
Example - A court-appointed fiduciary has managed the trust for five years.
Proviso (noun) - condition, clause, rider, rule (नियम)
Example - He accepted the job with one proviso, he would alone.
Unleash (verb) - let loose, release, unbridle, set free (खोलना)
Example - They have unleashed forces they can't control.
Accommodative (adj) - helpful, considerate, thoughtful, accommodating (उदार)
Example - She was understanding, patient, accommodative, and always had a solution to all problems.
Explicitly (adverb) - in a clear and detailed manner, unequivocally, without any doubt (स्पष्ट रूप से)
Example - I gave them explicit directions on how to get here.
Forbearance (noun) - endurance, forgiveness, restraint and tolerance (क्षमा)
Example - His Forbearance and patience were not rewarded in this case.
Yearn (verb) - desire strongly, crave, covet, lust, (इच्छा करना)
Example - They yearned over their delicate child.
Delegation (noun) - a body of delegates, deputation, assignment, representatives (प्रतिनिधि-मंडल)
Example - He was nominated as the delegation's official interpreter.
Jabber (verb) - excited, talk in rapid, patter, chat, (गपशप करना)
Example - He likes to jabber a lot