The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary: 8th June 2020

Prepsutra presents The Hindu Vocab on a daily basis which will benefit you in all Competitive examinations. It is very essential to read and memories vocab on a daily basis to score good marks in English Section.

gradual (Adjective) - gradual, successive, serial. (क्रमिक)

Ex - A gradual change in respect to time from a high level to low level. (समय के साथ साथ उच्च स्तर से निम्न स्तर की तरफ मंद परिवर्तन। )

pursuit (Noun) - chase, pursuit, chasing, chevy, hue and cry, chivy. (पीछा)

EX - A period of time during which a beginner acquires experience in an occupation, profession, or pursuit. (वह समयावधि जिसमें एक प्रारम्भकर्ता किसी व्यवसाय, पेशे या का प्रशिक्षण प्राप्त करता है )

hindrance (Noun) -obstacle, handicap, obstruction, hindrance, interrupt, impediment. (बाधा)

Ex - The Mother's work went on without let or hindrance. (परश्री मां का काम बिना किसी कमी या बाधा के चलता रहा। )

blatant (Adjective) - blatant, thumping, perservering, dogged, violent, egregious. (ज़बरदस्त)

Ex - Another blatant shortcoming in his criticism is the excessive use of quotations. (उद्धरणों का अत्यधिक उपयोग भी उनकी समालोचना की एक कमजोरी थी। )

exorbitant (Adjective) - excessive, exorbitant, intense, thundering, exceeding, ranking. (अत्यधिक)

Ex - We had over you no authority, but ye were a people exorbitant. (हमारा तो तुमपर कोई ज़ोर न था, बल्कि तुम स्वयं ही सरकश लोग थे )

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