There are nine persons namely A, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q and R live on three different floors from one to three. The ground floor is number 1 and the top floor is number third but not necessarily in the same order. There are three flats on each floor- flat-1, flat-2 and flat-3 from west to the east such that flat-1 of the third floor is exactly above flat-1 of the second floor which is exactly above flat-1 of the first floor and other flats are placed in the same way. A lives in an even-numbered flat. P lives just above M in a flat number 3. A does not live on the same floor on which P lives. O lives just above Q.Q does not live on the same floor on which M lives. N lives below M.L lives left to R.
How many persons live below M?
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IBPS Clerk Mains 2017
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