In good economic times as well as in bad, financial ___(###Q29###)__ can always strike. And when it does, people might have to ____(###Q30###)___ on housing, which is typically the largest household expense. However, cutting housing costs involves hard ___(###Q31###)__: moving can be expensive and ___(###Q32###)__, and living with family, friends, or strangers ____(###Q33###)___. Twice as many people would prefer downsizing than the next most popular actions of renting out part of their home to a roommate or housemate or moving to a more ___(###Q34###)__neighbourhood. Far fewer people would take the more ___(###Q35###)___ of living in their car or not paying the rent or mortgage.
Find the appropriate word in each case(31) ?.
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IBPS PO Mains 2017
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