The transaction in which bank guarantees the payment in case of damage or financial loss and accepts financial risk & liability is known as ____.
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IBPS PO Mains 2017
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Chapters. Current Affairs
In Income tax, 10% surcharge is applicable to individuals who earn ____.
Chapters. Static GK
The headquarter of Citi Union Bank is located at _______.
Chapters. Current Affairs
As per the Reserve Bank of India guidelines for ‘on tap’ licensing of Universal Banks in the Private Sector, the applications for the Universal Bank will be evaluated by SEAC Committee. In ‘SEAC’ A stands for ______.
Chapters. Financial Awareness
………... often lead to oligopoly-like conditions because they discourage new competitors from entering a market.
Chapters. Synonyms and antonyms
Direction: In the given question, four words are given of which two are most nearly the same or opposite in meaning. Find the two words and indicate your answer by marking the option which represents the correct combination.
Chapters. Synonyms and antonyms
Direction: In the given question, four words are given of which two are most nearly the same or opposite in meaning. Find the two words and indicate your answer by marking the option which represents the correct combination.
Chapters. Statement and Course of Action
Statement: The Officer In charge of a Company had a hunch that some money was missing from the safe.
Courses of action:
I. He should get it recounted with the help of the staff and check it with the balance sheet.
II. He should inform the police.
Chapters. Banking Awareness
Kisan Credit Card (KCC) scheme was prepared by ______.
Chapters. Static GK
Dudhawa Dam is built across _____ river.
Chapters. Static GK
The International Weightlifting Federation (IWF) headquartered in _______.
Chapters. Memory
What is a modulator/demodulator that is connected to a circuit board or motherboard?
Chapters. Headquater
Headquarters of Amnesty International is at _______.
Chapters. Current Affairs
The venue of 44th G-7 Summit 2018 is ______.
Chapters. Mensuration
If the sum of circumference of a circle and the circumference of a semicircle of same radius (R) is 400cm. Then find the radius of another circle whose radius is 200% more than R?
Chapters. Current Affairs
Recently, government set up a ministerial panel, led by ___________, to consider and oversee mergers among the country’s 21 state-run banks
Chapters. Current Affairs
A written commitment made by a bank which is issued after a request by the buyer that payment will be made to the beneficiary as evidence by the presentation of specified documents is known as ______.
Chapters. Banking Awareness
What is the maximum deposit allowed in India Post Payment Bank (IPPB)?
Chapters. Books and Authors
Who among the following is the author of e-book ‘India 2017 Year Book’?
Chapters. Financial Awareness
In context with the Banking & Finance terminology what is the expansion of LTV
Chapters. Current Affairs
Under the Union Budget 2017, provision under MGNREGA (Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act) has been increased to _____?
Chapters. Current Affairs
There were six agreements signed between India and Italy during the two days visit of Italy PM. Who is the current prime minister of Italy?
Chapters. Current Affairs
DR. M.V. Sridhar recently passed away. He was associated with ______.
Chapters. Current Affairs
Ease of Doing Business Index is released by
Chapters. Banking Awareness
Bandhan Bank Ltd. is an Indian banking and financial services company headquartered in Kolkata, West Bengal started as a ____ company.
Chapters. Important Days
Every year, November 12 is observed as ______.
Chapters. Current Affairs
In ‘AMRUT’, ‘U’ stands for _____.
Chapters. Static GK
Panna National Park is situated in ______.
Chapters. Excal
Which symbol is used in Excel to denote exponential numbers?
Chapters. Current Affairs
The electronic payment which is made by scanning a code through the mobile phone is known as _____.
Chapters. Current Affairs
The main objective of the import substitution is ______.
Chapters. Current Affairs
In the financial term “SWIFT”, what is ‘S’ stand for?
Chapters. Current Affairs
Who clear the payments of the Business Correspondents in rural areas?
Chapters. Current Affairs
The slowdown in the rate of increase of prices of goods & services in National GDP over time is called ____.
Chapters. Financial Awareness
The World Economic outlook, a survey conducted and published by
Chapters. Synonyms and antonyms
Direction: In the given question, four words are given of which two are most nearly the same or opposite in meaning. Find the two words and indicate your answer by marking the option which represents the correct combination.
Chapters. Statement and Course of Action
Statement: The ground water in the locality has been found to contain high level of arsenic making it dangerous to drink.
Courses of action:
I. The people living in the area should be shifted to another area to avoid a catastrophic situation.
II. The government should make arrangements for supply of safe drinking water.
Chapters. Banking Awareness
Which of the following is not a function of RBI?
Chapters. Current Affairs
According to the PWC World2050 report, the two largest economies in the world in 2050 will be China and _____.
Chapters. Static GK
Fugdi is the folk dance of _____.
Chapters. Blood relation
If A is brother of K and K is married to J. F is the mother of J and Y is the only child of K. M is married to Y and son-in-law of K. J is son-in-law of N. Then how is Y related to F?
Chapters. Sports News
Sathish Kumar and Ragala Venkat Rahul are associated with ______.
Chapters. Current Affairs
Which of the following country has won the ‘2017 FIFA Under-17 World Cup’?
Chapters. Coherent Paragraph
Direction: Five statements are given at A, B, C, D and E. Among these, four statements are in a logical order and form a coherent paragraph/passage. From the given options, choose the option that does not fit into the theme of the passage
Chapters. Current Affairs
Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has formed a Highlevel Task Force on Public Credit Registry (PCR) for India which will be headed by
Chapters. Static GK
The ‘Tallinn’ is the capital of _____.
Chapters. Current Affairs
What is the taxable event under GST?
Chapters. Blood relation
Pointing to A and B, C says, “Both are the children of the only son of my grandfather.” If A says, “I have as many brothers and sisters as C have.” Then how is B related to D, who is a member of C’s family?
Chapters. Sports News
Which of the following countries has been selected as the host of Commonwealth Games 2018?
Chapters. Time and Work
B is 200% efficient than A and 50% efficient than C, If all of them work together for 2 days to complete the work, then in how many days A alone can complete the work?