City | company x | company y | ||
Total employees | Male : Female | Total Employees | Male : Female | |
Delhi | 760 | 11:8 | 810 | 4:5 |
chennai | 450 | 2:3 | 680 | 8:9 |
chandigarh | 560 | 5 : 3 | 620 | 17 : 14 |
Kolkata | 640 | 9:7 | 720 | 11:7 |
The no. of males in Company Y in Delhi and Chennai Together is approximately what percent of the no. of females in
Company X in Chandigarh and Kolkata?
This has been asked in Question Paper
IBPS RRB Clerk Mains 2017
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What is the ratio the no. of females in Delhi in company X to the no. of females in Kolkata in the same Company ?
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Total males in company Y is approximately what percent of total employees in company Y?
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