Seven cars A, B, C, D, E, I, H are parked in a linear row facing north in such a way that no two cars parked with each other of according to alphabetical order (for ex- A is not parked with B, B is not parked with A and C and so on). Some cars either of Petrol or some are Diesel variant. I is third to the left of A. More than three cars are parked between the petrol cars. E is second to the right of B. H is a diesel car and parked at one of the extreme end. C is a diesel car and parked forth to the right of D. All the cars are arranged in ascending order according to the distance covered by them from left to right. Car B covers 27km and Car C cover 40km. H is to the right of E. I is of Diesel variant car and no petrol variant car parked next to it.
Which among the following car is parked immediate left of car C?
This has been asked in Question Paper
IBPS RRB PO Mains 2017
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