Which among the following is related to the internet and e-mail?
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IBPS RRB PO Mains 2017
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Chapters. Static GK
SHG is a small voluntary association of poor people, preferably from the same socio-economic background. What is the meaning of "G" in SHG?
Chapters. Computer
Which unit is a combinational digital electronic circuit that performs arithmetic and bitwise operations on integer binary numbers?
Chapters. Data Base Management System
Shift, Control, Alt are examples of which among the following category?
Chapters. Internet
Which of the following is most commonly used to identify return visitors to a website?
Chapters. MS-Word
________ is a useful tool which allows you to create a huge number of documents by merging the main document with the data source.
Chapters. Static GK
Hidayatullah National Law University is an autonomous law university in-
Chapters. Internet
A(n) ________ allows you to access your e-mail from anywhere.
Chapters. Internet
Which of the following is always a part of an E-mail address?
Chapters. Alligation and Mixture
In a mixture of 45 litres, the ratio of milk and water is 3 : 2. How much water must be added to make the ratio 9 : 11?
Chapters. Static GK
Gorumara national park located in Western Dooars between Murti and Neora river and is a common tourist destination. Gorumara national park located in which state-
Chapters. Computer
Which button is called as the middle button used as third mouse button by pressing on it.
Chapters. Books and Authors
Vice President Hamid Ansari has released a book titled "The People's President". This book was written by S M Khan, a senior Indian Information Service (IIS) officer. This book is based on-
Chapters. Current Affairs
Banwarilal Purohit is present governor of which state?
Chapters. Programming Language
Specialized program that allows user to utilize in specific application is classified as
Chapters. Input and Output Device
An optical input device that interprets pencil marks on paper media is________.
Chapters. Powerpoint
The default extension of Powerpoint 2013 is-
Chapters. Internet
An email attachment is referred to as?
Chapters. Banking Awareness
The IBBI was established on October 1, 2016, in accordance with the provisions of the ‘Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, 2016’. It was constituted as a Technical Committee under the IBBI regulations 2017. IBBI come under which act-?
Chapters. Internet
________ is a type of electronic spam where unsolicited messages are sent by email.
Chapters. Sports News
26-year-old, Pooja Kadian has created history as she bagged India's first ever gold medal at World Championships. She is an Indian _________ player.
Chapters. Important Days
Every Year 14th November is celebrated as-
Chapters. Memory
Which of the following is not a valid memory unit?
Chapters. Banking Awareness
Cheque truncation is the conversion of a physical cheque into a substitute electronic form for transmission to the paying bank. Cheque truncation and electronic cheque come under which act?
Chapters. Banking Awareness
What is the purpose behind cross-selling by Bank?
Chapters. Banking Awareness
Name the bank, which has acquired by HDFC Bank?
Chapters. Static GK
Central Coalfields Limited (CCL) is a subsidiary of Coal India Limited, an undertaking of the Government of India. Where is the headquarter of CCL?
Chapters. Computer
Choose the odd one out:
Chapters. Programming Language
Which of the following is a machine independent program?
Chapters. Current Affairs
Exercise Yudh Abhyas is one of the largest joint running military training and defence corporation endeavours between India and --------.
Chapters. Banking Awareness
The promoter's minimum initial contribution to the paid-up equity capital of such small finance bank shall at least be _______ percent.
Chapters. Software
Information that comes from an external source and fed into computer software is called _______.
Chapters. Static GK
The Ministry of Shipping has issued a notification renaming Kandla Port Trust as Deendayal Port Trust with effect from 25th of September, 2017. Kandla Port located in-
Chapters. Problems on Ages
Sum of present ages of A and B is 41. Age of A 2 year hence is equal to age of C, 1 year ago. Age of A, 4 year hence is equal to age of B 1year ago and ratio of present age of A and D is 3 : 4. Find the difference of age of C and D.
Chapters. Banking Awareness
Name the Bank, which has launched India's first payments bank?
Chapters. Static GK
Reliance Stadium or Indian Petrochemicals Corporation Ltd Sports Complex Ground also known as the IPCL Ground is located in-
Chapters. Current Affairs
Kundan Shah was passed away recently. He was?
Chapters. Memory
_____ memory in a computer is where information is temporarily stored while it is being accessed or worked on by the processor.
Chapters. Static GK
The Tungabhadra Dam is constructed across the Tungabhadra River, a tributary of the Tungabhadra River. The dam is near the town of Hospet in-
Chapters. Memory
Which memory is used as temporary memory?
Chapters. MS-Window
Help menu is available at which button?
Chapters. Current Affairs
Who has won the Nobel Literature Prize 2017?
Chapters. Static GK
Caracas is a commercial and cultural centre located in a northern mountain valley. Caracas is the capital city of which of the following country?
Chapters. Banking Awareness
The PCA is triggered when banks breach certain regulatory requirements like minimum capital, return on asset and quantum of non-performing assets. What is the meaning of "P" in PCA?
Chapters. Computer
In a keyboard, left-right-up-down set of keys facilitates which among the following function?
Chapters. Banking Awareness
The small finance bank shall be registered as a public limited company under the Companies Act, 2013. The minimum paid-up equity capital for small finance banks shall be?
Chapters. Memory
Data on a floppy disk was recorded in rings called ____.
Chapters. Internet
Which among the following is a term for the initial or main web page of a website or a browser?
Chapters. Banking Awareness
The Institute for Development & Research in Banking Technology (IDRBT) is a unique institution exclusively focused on Banking Technology. Established by the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) in 1996, the Institution works at the intersection of-
Chapters. Banking Awareness
Currency is also printed by Reserve Bank of India. It has two printing presses which are owned by Bhartiya Reserve Bank Note Mudran Private Limited. These printing presses located in Mysore and another is-
Chapters. Banking Awareness
MUDRA has been set up for ‘funding the unfunded’ microenterprises in the country. What is the meaning of "M" in MUDRA?
Chapters. Internet
Which one of the following is not an e-mail service provider?
Chapters. Internet
Which among the following is area of an email that is a short description of the message?
Chapters. Banking Awareness
RIDF is maintained by the National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development (NABARD). RIDF was set up by the Government in 1995-96 for financing ongoing ____________ projects.
Chapters. Powerpoint
Presentation of a series of still images on a projection screen or electronic display device is called as:
Chapters. Financial Awareness
______________ is "the risk of a change in value caused by the fact that actual losses, incurred for inadequate or failed internal processes, people, and systems, or from external events, differ from the expected losses".
Chapters. Passage Inference
Television is no longer the medium of entertainment at present. Mobile has taken the place of it among the youngsters as they used to spend most of their time on it.
Which of the following can be hypothesized from the given statement?
Chapters. MS-Window
What does .org stands for?
Chapters. Alligation and Mixture
In one litre of mixture of alcohol and water, 30% is water. The amount of alcohol that must be added to the mixture, so that the part of water in the mixture becomes 15%, is:
Chapters. Banking Awareness
Which Bank is the first to offer a fully digital and paperless banking system in India?
Chapters. MS-Window
Different icons of application software can be found in which bar in the latest version of Microsoft Windows?
Chapters. Current Affairs
Prakash Javadekar is the incumbent Union Minister of Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD), Government of India. He is representative of which state?
Chapters. Programming Language
A software program that adds functionality to your computer or help your computer perform better is called as
Chapters. Time and Work
A can complete a work in 36 days. B is 33.33% more efficient than A. In how many days both complete the work if they work on alternate days starting with A?
Chapters. Current Affairs
Pradhan Mantri Suraksha Bima Yojana (PMSBY) is one of three social security schemes that the government had announced in the 2015 Budget. What is PMSBY?
Chapters. Input and Output Device
Using output devices one can ____.
Chapters. Abbreviation
Which among the following functions does Ctrl+P perform?
Chapters. Memory
A device that not only provides surge protection but also furnishes the computer with battery backup power during a power outage is ______
Chapters. MS-Word
What is the default extension of Microsoft Word 2013 ?