Browning of paper in old books is caused by–
frequent use
lack of aeration
collection of dust
oxidation of cellulose
This has been asked in Question Paper
Railway RPF Sub Inspector
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Chapters. Classification
Four of the following five are alike in a certain way and so form a group. Which is the one that does not belong to that group ?
Chapters. Coding Decoding
If in a code language, STARK is written as LBFMG and MOBILE is written as TNRSPJ. How is BLAME written in that code?
Chapters. Problems on Ages
Five years ago the average age of A, B, C, D was 45 years. By including X the present average of all the five is 49 years. Then the present age of X is-—
Chapters. Simplification
= ?
Chapters. Series
What will come in place of question mark(?)
18 27 49 84 132 (?)
Chapters. National Park
Jim Corbett National Park is situated in–
Chapters. Profit and Loss
A man bought an article and sold it at a gain of 5%. If he had bought it at 5% less and sold it for ` 1 less, he would have made a profit of 10% The CP of the article was
Chapters. Static GK
Who was the founder of' 'Ghadar Party' ?
Chapters. Static GK
Which of the following economists is called the Father of Economics?
Chapters. History
Socialism is essentially a movement of–
Chapters. Coding Decoding
If ‘blue’ is called ‘red’, ‘red’ is called ‘green’, ‘green’ is called ‘black’ and ‘black’ is called ‘white’, what is the colour of grass ?
Chapters. Classification
One term in the number series is wrong. Find out the wrong term.
125, 126, 124, 127, 123, 129
Chapters. Simplification
41% of 601 - 250·17 = 7- 77% of 910
Chapters. Profit and Loss
A shirt priced at Rs. 1500 is being sold at a discount of 40% + 60%. What is its price after discount?
Chapters. Static GK
Who was popularly known as Africa's Gandhi?
Chapters. Classification
One term in the number series is wrong. Find out the wrong term.
105, 85, 60, 30, 0, - 45, -90
Chapters. Static GK
Name the body which has replaced the U. N. Commission on Human Rights.
Chapters. Science
Radioactivity was discovered by–
Chapters. Non-Verbal Reasoning
Directions: Select the missing number from the given responses.
Chapters. Coding Decoding
‘MP’ is related to ‘HK’ in the same way as ‘HK’ is related to
Chapters. Science
Which among the following is a covalent compound?
Chapters. Science
Which of the following is not a stem modification ?
Chapters. Static GK
Which of the following is not a notable industrial city?
Chapters. Mensuration
If the circumcentre of triangle lies outside it, then the triangle is
Chapters. Science
'Atomic theory' of matter was given by–
Chapters. Static GK
The Mandal Commission Re- port refers to
Chapters. Blood relation
Pointing to a woman, Abhijit said, ‘‘Her grand-daughter is the only daughter of my brother.’’ How is the woman related to Abhijit?
Chapters. Blood relation
Deepak said to Nitin, ‘That boy playing with the football is the younger of the two brother of the daughter of my father’s wife.’ How is the boy playing football related to Deepak?
Chapters. Blood relation
Pointing to a girl, Mihir said “She is the only daughter of my grandfather’s only child”. How is the girl related to Mihir?
Chapters. Science
The open "Sigrees" or coal stoves often require fanning to sustain burning because of–
Chapters. Science
Clouds float in the atmosphere because of their–
Chapters. Static GK
Clitellum is found in–
Chapters. Static GK
Name the two non-permanent Houses in the Parliamentary set-up of India
Chapters. Direction and Distance
A and B start together from a certain point in the opposite direction on motorcycles. The speed of A is 60 km per hour and B travels 44 km per hour. What will be the distance between them after 15 minutes?
Chapters. Coding Decoding
How many such digits are there in the number 5314679 each of which is as far away from the beginning of the number as when the digits are rearranged in descending order within the number ?
Chapters. Abbreviation
CRM in the context of software applications means
Chapters. Coding Decoding
‘Jackal’ is related to ‘Carnivorous’ in the same way as ‘Goat’ is related to
Chapters. Venn Diagram
Which of the following venn diagrams correctly illustrates the relationship among the classes carrot, food, vegetables?
Chapters. Classification
Four of the following five are alike in a certain way ba~ed on their seating positions in the above arrangement and so form a group. Which is the one that does not belong to the group?
Chapters. Static GK
Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha had passed the Lokpal Bill with more strong amendments in–
Chapters. Science
Myopia is a disease connected with–
Chapters. Static GK
The saviour of the Delhi Sultanate was–
Chapters. Current Affairs
How many assembly segments are there as per Vidhan Sabha Elections 2013 in Delhi?
Chapters. Static GK
Rent is a factor payment paid to–
Chapters. Time and Work
A can do g of a work in 5 days. B can dog of the work in 10 days. ln how many days both A and B can do the work?
Chapters. Series
What will come in place of question mark(?)
33 43 65 99145 (?)
Chapters. History
Who passed the Indian Universities Act?
Chapters. Blood relation
R and S are twins. S’s sister is M. M’s husband is G .R’s mother is L. L’s husband is H. How is L related to G ?
Chapters. Percentage
As salary is increased by 10% and then decreased by 10%. The change in salary is
Chapters. Analogy
Find the relationship as expressed in given pair.
Scissors : Lever :: Toothed wheel : ?
Chapters. Classification
Four of the following five are alike in a certain way ba~ed on their seating positions in the above arrangement and so form a group. Which is the one that does not belong to the group?
Chapters. Number System
Puneet scored 175 marks in a test and failed by 35 marks. H the passing percentage of the test is 35 percent, what is the maximum marks of the test ?
Chapters. Static GK
The easternmost peak of the Himalayas is–
Chapters. Classification
Four of the following five are alike in a certain way ba~ed on their seating positions in the above arrangement and so form a group. Which is the one that does not belong to the group?
Chapters. Science
A wheel-barrow is an example of–
Chapters. Venn Diagram
Which one the following diagrams best depicts the relationship among Tiger, Lions and Animals?
Chapters. Static GK
In which State is the literacy rate of women the highest ?
Chapters. Science
Vitamin C is also known as
Chapters. Coding Decoding
‘Radish’ is related to ‘Root’ in the same way as ‘Brinjal’ is related to
Chapters. Percentage
The boys and girls in a college are in the ratio 3 : 2. lf 20% of the boys and 25% of the girls are adults, the percentage of students who are not adults is-
Chapters. Static GK
Which one of the following rivers flows between Vindhya-Satpura ranges
Chapters. Science
Combustion of a candle is a/an–
Chapters. Percentage
The salary of a worker is first increased by 5% and then it is decreased by 5%. What is the change in his salary?
Chapters. Direction and Distance
Shyam walks 5 km towards East and then turns left and walks 6 km. Again he turns right and walks 9 km. Finally he turns to his right and walks 6 km. How far is he from the starting point?
Chapters. Time,Speed and Distance
Train-A crosses ~ pole in 25 seconds and another Train-S crosses a pole in I minute and IS seconds. u.mgtb of traitl-A is half Length of train-B. What is the respective ratio between the speed of Train-A and Train-B?
Chapters. Word formation
In each of the following questions a word has been given, followed by four other words, one of which cannot be formed by using the letters of the given word. Find that word.
Chapters. History
Name the Indian king who warmly received the Portuguese traveller Vasco da Gama when he landed at Calicut.
Chapters. Science
The highest volume of gases in lower atmosphere is comprised of–
Chapters. Simple Interest
A man took loan from a bank at the rate of 12% per annum simple interest. After 3 yr he had to pay ` 5400 interest only for the period. The principal amount borrowed by him was
Chapters. Simplification
567 - 4824 + 134 - ? X 9
Chapters. Time,Speed and Distance
The speed of a bus is 72 km/h. The distance covered by the bus in 5 s is
Chapters. Static GK
How many Fundamental Rights were granted initially?
Chapters. Number System
If a student can read 15 pages in 24 min, then the time taken to read a book of 60 pages is
Chapters. Profit and Loss
Raju purchases 550 ml of milk every day. U cost of one liter of milk is \ 44. How much amount will he pay in 45 days?
Chapters. Analogy
Find the relationship as expressed in the given pair.
Man : Biography :: Nation : ?
Chapters. Time,Speed and Distance
An auto rickshaw is moving at speed of 40km/h for 2 h 30 min. If he reaches the destination in another 1 h, then the total distance covered by the auto rickshaw will be
Chapters. Percentage
If 16% of x =128, then 125% of x equals
Chapters. Static GK
The Great Wall of China was built by–
Chapters. Boats and Stream
A boat moves downstream at the rate of 1 km in 6 minutes and upstream at the rate of 1 km in 10 minutes. The speed of current is-
Chapters. Number System
What is the cube root of 0.000216?
Chapters. Number System
× B = 13, What is the value of B?
Chapters. Static GK
The film which won the Audience Award at the Locarno Film Festival in Switzerland is–
Chapters. Simplification
64·5% of 800 + 36·4% of 1500 = (?)2 + 38
Chapters. Coding Decoding
If ‘+’ means ‘-’, ‘-’ means ‘x’, ‘x’ means ‘ ÷ ’ and ‘ ÷ ’ means ‘+’ , then what is the value of 9 – 7 + 85 x 17 ÷15 ?
Chapters. Average
The average of three numbers is 135. The largest number is 180 and the difference of the other two is 25. The smallest number is—
Chapters. Science
de Vries proposed–
Chapters. Number System
Some students planned a picnic. The budget for food was 500. But, 5 of them failed to go and thus the cost of food for each member increased by 5. How many students attended the picnic?
Chapters. Static GK
How many types of recipients are there in an e-mail system?
Chapters. Static GK
An economy which does not have any relation with the rest of the world is known as–
Chapters. Direction and Distance
Umesh direcltly went from P to Q which 9 ft distant. Then, he turns to the right and walked 4 ft. After this he turned to the right and walked a distance which is equal from P to Q. Finally he turned to the right and walked 3 ft. How far is he now from P?
Chapters. Word formation
In each of the following questions a word has been given, followed by four other words, one of which cannot be formed by using the letters of the given word. Find that word.
Chapters. Coding Decoding
If the word PORTER can be coded as MBNZQN. How can REPORT be written?
Chapters. Coding Decoding
In a certain code, RAID is written as %#*$, RIPE is written as %*@©. How is DEAR written in that code ?
Chapters. Problems on Ages
Present ages of Sameer and Anand are in the ratio of 5 : 4 respectively. Three years, hence the ratio of their ages will become 11 : 9 respectively. What is Anand’s present age in years?
Chapters. Probability
In how many different ways can the letters of the word ‘BOUNTY’ be arranged?
Chapters. Static GK
When was the first Central Legislative Assembly constituted?
Chapters. Percentage
There are 1500 students in a school. 15% are Muslims, 7% Sikhs, 8% Christians and remaining are Hindus. How many Hindu students are there in the school?
Chapters. Science
The weight of a body acts through the centre of–
Chapters. Ratio and Proportion
The ratio of the number of boys and girls in a school of 720 students is 7 : 5. How many more girls should be admitted to make the ratio 1 : 1 : 1 ?
Chapters. Science
Haemoglobin in the blood is a complex protein rich in–
Chapters. Alphanumeric
In the following question arrange the following words as per order in the dictionary.
a) Plate b) Plane c) Plaster d) Plasma e) Plastic
Chapters. Static GK
Returns to scale is a–
Chapters. Simple Interest
The difference between simple interest and the compound interest on Rs. 800 at 5% per annum for 1 year is—»
Chapters. Static GK
Sriperumbudur is the birth-place of–
Chapters. Simplification
= ?