What did Madame Curie discover?
Railway RRB ALP Stage - II (Paper - I)
Chapters. Analogy
Arrange the following in a meaningful order.
A. Rain B. Monsoon C. Rescue D. Floods E. Shelter F. Relief
Chapters. Science
Bitumen is a
Chapters. Science
If the gravitational acceleration at any place is doubled, then the weight of body will be
Chapters. Current Affairs
Electrification in rural areas can be done better and at cheaper rates through
Chapters. Science
The advantage(s) of an economiser is/are
Chapters. Science
The temperature at which the volume of a gas becomes zero is called
Chapters. Science
The actual vacuum in a condenser is equal to:
Chapters. Science
The amount of heat generated/kg is known as
Chapters. Science
The value of acceleration due to gravity for earth is
Chapters. Static GK
In India, the Chief Justice of a High Court is appointed by the
Chapters. Science
The weight of an object would be minimum when it is placed at
Chapters. Science
Which gas is evolved during photosynthesis in plants?
Chapters. Direction and Distance
Sarita is standing facing north, She walks 10 km straight, turns left and walks another 10 km and turns right and walks 5 km and finally turns left and walks 15 km to reach a park. Which direction is she facing now?
Chapters. Sports News
In sports, the term THIRD EYE is connected with
Chapters. Science
The electron emission method used in vacuum tube is
Chapters. Percentage
In a hotel, 60% has vegetarian lunch while 30% had non-vegetarian lunch and 15% had both types of lunch, If 96 people were present, how many did not eat either type of lunch?
Chapters. Coding Decoding
If '+' means 'division'. - means 'multiplication, '×' means minus # means 'addition' then(75 × 25) 2 + 50 − 10 = ?
Chapters. Science
The behaviour of a perfect gas, undergoing any change in the variables which control physical properties, is governed by
Chapters. Science
Metals approach super conductivity condition
Chapters. Science
The energy possessed by a horse running on level road is
Chapters. Science
One watt is equal to
Chapters. Mensuration
The area of the largest circle, that can be drawn inside a rectangle with sides 18cm by14 cm, is
Chapters. Science
A beam which is fixed at one end and free at the other is called
Chapters. Science
The unit of acceleration is
Chapters. Science
According to first law of thermodynamics
Chapters. Science
Which method can be used for absolute measurement of resistances?
Chapters. Simplification
is equal to
Chapters. Mensuration
If the radius of a circle is increased by 50%, then the area of the circle is increased by
Chapters. Science
Lunar Eclipse occurs when
Chapters. Science
For the reversibility of a cycle, there should be
Chapters. Science
In case a hinged support the reaction
Chapters. Science
As open fuse has a resistance of
Chapters. Awards
Dada Saheb Phalke Award is given to an achiever in the field of
Chapters. Science
Which of the two metals are mixed in manufacturing stainless steel?
Chapters. Science
Why is ozone layer important to mankind?
Chapters. Analogy
In these questions, select the alternative which has a relation with the four given words.
Pigeon, revolution, cage, Leader
Chapters. Simplification
(8 ÷ 88) × 8888088 is equal to
Chapters. Science
The point, though which the whole weight of the body acts irrespective of its position is known as
Chapters. Science
A rubber ball is dropped from a height of 2m. If there is no loss of velocity after rebounding, the ball will rise to a height of
Chapters. Science
When the spring of a watch is wound, it will possess
Chapters. Science
Electrical resistance and heating elements are made from:
Chapters. Science
Piezometer is used to measure
Chapters. Static GK
The headquarters of International Lab our Organization is located at
Chapters. Time and Work
A alone can complete a work in 16 days and B alone in 12 days. Starting with A, they work on alternate days. The total work will be completed in
Chapters. Science
Parson's turbine is
Chapters. Profit and Loss
A shopkeeper purchases 12 balloons for Rs.10 and sells them at 10 balloons for Rs.12 Thus he earns a profit for:
Chapters. Science
Open circuit test on transformers is conducted to measure
Chapters. Number System
There are deers and peacocks in a zoo. By counting heads they are 80. The number of their legs is 200. How many peacocks are there?
Chapters. Science
The joint in which the number of rivets decreases as we proceed from innermost row to the outermost row, is known as
Chapters. Science
The density of fluid varies with the
Chapters. Static GK
The upanishads deal with
Chapters. Science
The rate of change of momentum is proportional to
Chapters. Current Affairs
Who among the following are likely to benefit from inflation in a country?
Chapters. Science
Mule is the hybrid of
Chapters. Science
The basic characteristic of Oligopology is
Chapters. Number System
A number divided by 68 gives the quotient 269 and remainder zero. If the same number is divided by 67, the remainder is
Chapters. Science
The amount of heat required to raise the temperature of 1 kg of water through 1° C is called
Chapters. Science
How many minutes for each degree of longitude does the local time of any place vary from the Greenwich time?
Chapters. Ratio and Proportion
If A : B = 2 : 3 and B : C = 4 : 5, then A : B : C is
Chapters. Science
A machine having an efficiency less than 50% is known as
Chapters. Science
When gas is cooled at constant pressure.
Chapters. Science
The transfer of heat from one place to another may take place by
Chapters. Science
Which of the following can have positive or negative charge?
Chapters. Coding Decoding
If in a certain code MISTAKE is written as 4356127. How would STEAM be written in that code
Chapters. Static GK
Which of the following statements is true?
Chapters. Science
The energy is emitted from a body in tiny packets and not as a continuous stream. This statement is based on:
Chapters. Mensuration
If the length and the breadth of a rectangle are in the ratio 3 : 2 with its perimeter as 20 cm, then the area of the rectangle will be:
Chapters. Analogy
In these questions, select the alternative which has a relation with the four given words.
Man, Arm, Preside, Person
Chapters. Science
Radiation can be detected by
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