When water condenses into ice
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Railway RRB ASM ( Paper - I)
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Chapters. History
The earliest known Indian script is
Chapters. Vocabulary
Choose the single word substitution for the group of words.
The state of being without wife
Chapters. Static GK
Canary Islands belongs to
Chapters. Science
The wire of flash bulb is made of
Chapters. History
Who did not participate in the revolt of 1857?
Chapters. Science
What temperature at Celsius scale is equal to 300°K.?
Chapters. Coding Decoding
In the word CALIBRE, the previous letter in the English alpha bet replaces each consonant and each vowel is replaced by the next letter and then the order of letters is reversed, which letter will be third from the right end?
Chapters. Number System
When 782 is subtracted from the square of a number, the answer is 6460. What is that number?
Chapters. Vocabulary
Choose the single word substitution for the group of words.
The motive to earn money.
Chapters. Science
Light Year is used to measure
Chapters. Series
What should come in place of the question mark (?) in the following number series?
13 13 65 585 7605 129285 ?
Chapters. Mensuration
The length of a room is three times its breadth. If the perimeter of the room is 64 cm, then its breadth is ?cm.
Chapters. Vocabulary
What is the meaning of the word âbeckonâ?
Chapters. Science
What is the source of electric energy in an artificial satellite?
Chapters. Science
What determines the sex of a child?
Chapters. Series
Which number is missing?
1, 9, 25, 49, ?
Chapters. Mensuration
The area of a rhombus with diagonals 12cm arid 20cm is â sq cm.
Chapters. Science
The unit of radioactivity is
Chapters. Number System
The number which is neither prime nor composite is
Chapters. Series
Fill in the next number in the series.
2 5 8 11 14 ?
Chapters. Alphanumeric
How many letters in the word TRYST have as many letters between them as in the alphabet?
Chapters. History
The Sikh Guru Arjun Dev was assassinated during the rule of
Chapters. Science
The curves showing the volume temperature behaviour of gases plotted at different fixed pressures are called
Chapters. Static GK
Product Fair and Lovely is related to
Chapters. Mensuration
Area of a parallelogram whose base is 9 cm and height 4 cm is ? sq cm.
Chapters. Static GK
When was Television separated from Akashvani (radio) as an independent organization?
Chapters. Static GK
Onam is an important festival of
Chapters. Static GK
Ramanuja preached
Chapters. Books and Authors
Who is the writer of âAdheâ Adhureâ?
Chapters. Science
Which of the following is used in the ripening of fruits?
Chapters. Static GK
The first summit of SAARC was held at
Chapters. Science
They Cyclone represent a position of atmosphere in which
Chapters. Number System
The quotient in a division sum is 403. The divisor is 100 and the remainder is 58, the dividend is
Chapters. Coding Decoding
How many such digits are there in the number 57683421, each of which is as far away from the beginning of the number, as they will be when arranged in descending order within the number?
Chapters. Static GK
âThinkpadâ is a laptop associated with which of the following companies?
Chapters. Science
Which of the following inert gases is not found in the atmosphere?
Chapters. Static GK
Mig fighter plane manufacturing unit in Orissa is located at
Chapters. Coding Decoding
Chapters. Science
The metal extracted from Bauxite is
Chapters. Static GK
Capital of Pallavas was
Chapters. Number System
A piece of road is one kilo- meter in length. We have to supply lamp posts. One post at each end, distance between two consecutive lamp posts is 25 meters The number of lamp posts required is:
Chapters. Static GK
Chapters. Static GK
Tripitak a religious scripture of
Chapters. Number System
If 16 = 11, 25 = 12, 36 = 15, then 49 =
Chapters. Simplification
What approximate value should come in place of the question mark (?) in the following questions? (You are not expected to calculate the exact value) 61. (9321 + 5406 á 1001) (498 + 929 + 660) =?
Chapters. Number System
There are 800 students in a class. On one particular day, if 1 of the students were absent; 10
How many students were present?
Chapters. Current Affairs
The United Nations imposed sanctions on?? recently due to nuclear issue.
Chapters. Science
The process by which energy is generated Inâ the sun is the
Chapters. Static GK
By which Constitutional amendment, fundamental duties were incorporated in the Indian Constitution?
Chapters. Static GK
The biggest producer of fish in the world is
Chapters. Science
In an organic compound, which element is generally present in addition to hydrogen?
Chapters. Number System
The difference between the greatest number and the smallest number of 5 digits formed by 0, 1, 2, 3 and 4 using all but. once is:
Chapters. History
The two civilizations which helped in the formation of Gandhara School of Arts are:
Chapters. Coding Decoding
If âVEHEMENTâ is written as âVEHETNEMâ then in that code how will you code. âMOURN FULâ?
Chapters. Coding Decoding
Chapters. Static GK
Project Tiger was launched in
Chapters. Science
When 1 kg of a liquid is converted from liquid to vapour, the absorbed heat is called
Chapters. Synonyms and antonyms
The antonym of the word âcrudeâ is
Chapters. Static GK
In case the President of India decides to resign, he will address his letter of resignation to
Chapters. Number System
Aditi read 4/5 th of Tintin comic book which has 100 pages. How many pages of the book is not yet read by Aditi?
Chapters. Simplification
What approximate value should come in place of the question mark (?) in the following questions? (You are not expected to calculate the exact value)
561204 x .58 =? x 55555
Chapters. History
The famous Kalinga war was fought near
Chapters. Static GK
Which of the following planets rotates clock wise?
Chapters. Number System
If 32 = 2x then x = ?
Chapters. Static GK
In which state is Silent Valley located?
Chapters. History
Which of the following wasâ involved in Alipore bomb case?
Chapters. Percentage
The difference between 42% and 28% of a number is 210. What will be 59% of that number?
Chapters. Science
Solid carbon dioxide is called
Chapters. Order and Ranking
In a row of children facing North, Bharat is eleventh from the right end and is third to the right of Samir who is fifteenth from the left end. Total how many children are there in the row?
Chapters. Synonyms and antonyms
The synonym of the word âsparkedâ is
Chapters. Science
Which of the following diffuses at the fastest rate?
Chapters. Static GK
Which is common in Jainism and Buddhism both?
Chapters. Science
How much does our body contain water by mass?
Chapters. Static GK
âSea of Tranquilityâ is the name given to
Chapters. Static GK
The headquarters of Central Food Technology Research Institute is located in
Chapters. Number System
Which least number should be added to 2600 to make it a perfect square?
Chapters. Static GK
Who decides whether a bill is a Money Bill or not?
Chapters. History
On October 17, 1940, the individual Satyagraha was inaugurated by
Chapters. Classification
Pick out the stranger in the following:
Chapters. Static GK
The capital of Pandya dynasty was
Chapters. History
Ellora caves of Maharashtra were built during the rule of