Which of the following in the human body is popularly called the Adam’s apple?
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Railway RRB Group D (Paper - I)
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Chapters. Current Affairs
The constitutional authority vested with power of declaring Casts and Tribes as Scheduled Casts and Scheduled Tribes is the :
Chapters. Static GK
Who gave the slogan “you give me blood, I promise you freedom”?
Chapters. Science
The mass density of kerosene is:
Chapters. Science
National Institute of Homeopathy is at:
Chapters. Current Affairs
Full form of ITPO is:
Chapters. Number System
Rs.355 have been divided among A, B,C in such a way that A had ` 20 more than B and C had ` 15 more than A. How much was C’s share?
Chapters. History
Who founded the Brahmo Samaj?
Chapters. Simplification
(1694/11) + (2568/8) - (534/6) =
Chapters. Science
One horse power is equal to:
Chapters. Static GK
Full form of IOC is :
Chapters. Static GK
Who was the president of India at the time of proclamation of emergency in the year 1976?
Chapters. Simplification
748 ÷ 17 = ?% of 110
Chapters. Static GK
Which of the following is a GSLV satellite?
Chapters. Simple Interest
Find simple interest on Rs`7,300 at 12% p.a for the period from 5th January 2007 to 18th April 2007
Chapters. Science
The number of pairs of spinal nerves in man is:
Chapters. Current Affairs
Amjad Ali Khan is associated with which of the following musical instruments?
Chapters. Science
The element of Electric Stove is made of :
Chapters. Percentage
The population of a town is 126800. It increases by 15% in the first year and decreases by 20% in the second year. What is the population of the town at the end of 2 year?
Chapters. Ratio and Proportion
There are 2 numbers in the ratio of 4 : 5. If 4 is subtracted from both numbers the ratio becomes 3 : 4. What will be the ratio if 4 is added in the both numbers?
Chapters. Static GK
The mean distance from the Sun to the Earth is called:
Chapters. Current Affairs
The object of ‘Sangam Yojana’ is:
Chapters. Static GK
Which of the following is a parasitic plant?
Chapters. Static GK
Deforestation results in which of the following?
Chapters. Static GK
Which one among the following rivers flows through rift valley?
Chapters. Science
Bone deformities occur due to the excessive intake of:
Chapters. Science
‘Histology’ is the study of:
Chapters. Sports News
Ibrahim Rahmatollah Cup is associated with:
Chapters. Science
The method of protecting iron from rusting, by coating a thin layer of zinc is called:
Chapters. Science
Trachoma is a disease of the :
Chapters. Science
Velocity of sound is minimum in:
Chapters. Static GK
Head Quarters of INTERPOL is in:
Chapters. Science
A person suffering from myopia cannot see the objects at :
Chapters. Science
Seconds pendulum is a pendulum which executes one oscillation in:
Chapters. Static GK
Which National Highway connects Delhi and Kolkata?
Chapters. Science
Which of the following produces H2 gas, when reacts with acid?
Chapters. Science
Doldrum is a zone of:
Chapters. Current Affairs
What is the general direction of cyclones formed in the Bay of Bengal?
Chapters. Boats and Stream
A boat moves upstream at the rate of 2 kms in 10 minutes and downstream at the rate of 2 kms in 6 minutes. The speed of the current is:
Chapters. Profit and Loss
What price should a tradesman mark on an article which costs him Rs 300 to gain 20% after allowing 4% discount?
Chapters. Science
Blood pressure is measured with:
Chapters. Science
Which of the following is released during photosynthesis?
Chapters. Number System
One-sixth of a number exceeds one-eighth of the same by 10. What is twice of the number?
Chapters. Simplification
1008561 + 8165423 + 9132435 - 2342175 - 4832511 =
Chapters. Books and Authors
‘Mrichhakatika’ was written by:
Chapters. History
Gandhiji started Satyagraha in 1919 to protest against:
Chapters. Percentage
Difference of two numbers is 1890. If 12.5% of one number is 17.5% of the other number, Find the two numbers.
Chapters. Static GK
Optical Fibre was invented in the year:
Chapters. Current Affairs
Which of the following political contested election in Andhra Pradesh for the first time during 15th Lok Sabha election?
Chapters. Static GK
Full form of NIC is:
Chapters. Ratio and Proportion
Out of the three numbers, the ratio between the first and the second number is 5:6 and the ratio between the second and the third number is 15:16. If the difference between the first and the third number is 700, find the average of all the numbers.
Chapters. Science
Optics is the study of:
Chapters. Static GK
The shipping Corporation of india Limited was formed in:
Chapters. Sports News
In Basketball, how many players are there in each side?
Chapters. Books and Authors
The author of the book ‘Ratnawali’ is:
Chapters. Problems on Ages
The age of Sitamma 10 years ago was thrice the age of Radha.10 years hence,Sitamma’s age will be twice that of Radha. What is the ratio of their present age?
Chapters. Science
Plants used for production of biofuel are:
Chapters. Science
Which of the following element is electronegative?
Chapters. Static GK
The water of which one of the following lakes is used for producing salt?
Chapters. Time,Speed and Distance
Two trains 121 meters and 99 meters in length respectively are running in opposite directions, one at the rate of 40 km and the other at the rate of 32 km an hour. In what time will they completely clear each other from the movement they meet?
Chapters. Science
SI unit of magnetic flux is:
Chapters. Simplification
436 * 17 * 3/32 =
Chapters. Science
Which of the following metals has the lowest melting point?
Chapters. Science
Chemically fats and oils are:
Chapters. Time and Work
A and B can do a piece of work in 12 days. B and C can do in 15 days. C and A can do in 20 days. In how many days, will C alone can finish the work separately?
Chapters. Science
Human beings can hear the sound range between:
Chapters. Percentage
If 35% of a number is 175, what per cent of 175 is that number?
Chapters. Sports News
‘AZLAN SHAH’ cup is associated with:
Chapters. Static GK
Which one of the following districts is well known for the cultivation of coffee?
Chapters. Static GK
If a panchayat is dissolved, elections are to be held within:
Chapters. Science
Which protein occurs abundantly in Egg?
Chapters. Static GK
Full form of FERA is:
Chapters. Current Affairs
‘Operation Cactus’ is the name given to Indian Military intervention in:
Chapters. Static GK
How many Articles did we have in our original constitution?
Chapters. Science
Which one of the following is the weakest force?
Chapters. Science
The mirror used by ENT specialist is:
Chapters. Science
The term ‘Heavy Water’ refers to:
Chapters. Science
Which of the following causes poliomyelitis?
Chapters. Sports News
Which one of the following is the oldest Grand Slam of the World?
Chapters. Science
The neutron was discovered by :
Chapters. Static GK
Who is the Columbus of the space age?
Chapters. Science
The pitch of the sound is measured by its:
Chapters. Static GK
Vidyasagar Setu is built on the river:
Chapters. Static GK
In India, the plateau of Malwas is an example of:
Chapters. Average
The average attendance of a college for the first three days of a week is 325 and first four days is 320.How many were present on the fourth day?
Chapters. Science
When day-light hours are increased, the rate of photosynthesis :
Chapters. Science
Blood clotting will not occur in the absence of:
Chapters. Science
Small-pox is a deadly and highly contagious:
Chapters. Static GK
‘Nam Yom’ and Mekong are the chief rivers of:
Chapters. Number Series
6561, 81, 9 ?