During the medieval period, which one of the following traders first came to India?
This has been asked in Question Paper
Railway RRB NTPC
AttemptMore Questions From Paper
Chapters. Classification
Direction: Select the one which is different from the other three responses.
Chapters. Static GK
Comptroller and Auditor General of India is appointed by
Chapters. Simplification
= ?
Chapters. Classification
Direction: Select the one which is different from the other three responses.
Chapters. Analogy
In this question, which one of the given responses would be a meaningful order of the following.
1. Lung
2. Nostrils
3. Windpipe
4. Blood
Chapters. Simplification
If = + ,then x = ?
Chapters. Static GK
Depreciation is equal to
Chapters. Static GK
Which religious reformer of Western India was known as 'Lokhitwadi'?
Chapters. Non-Verbal Reasoning
In these questions, select the missing number from the given responses.
36 | 64 | 100 |
6 | 8 | 10 |
12 | 16 | ? |
Chapters. Static GK
Which of the following started the newspaper 'Bande Mataram'?
Chapters. Static GK
Upnishad are books on
Chapters. Blood relation
Savitha introduced a boy as the son of the only daughter of the father of her maternal uncle. How is boy related to Savitha?
Chapters. Science
In which of the following organ carbohydrate is stored as glycogen?
Chapters. Direction and Distance
A travelled Westward 5 km, turned left and travelled 3 km, turned right and travelled 9 km. He then travelled North 3 km. How far is he from the starting point?
Chapters. Science
An instrument used to measure humidity is
Chapters. Series
Which one set of letters when sequentially placed at the gaps in the given letter series shall complete it?
KiD, NkH, QmL, ToP, ?
Chapters. National Park
Kaziranga National Park is famous for
Chapters. Non-Verbal Reasoning
Directions: In each of the following questions, find the missing number/ letters/ figure from the given responses.
Chapters. Mensuration
A room is long and 7 m wide. The maximum length of a square tile to fill the floor of room with whole number of tiles, should be
Chapters. Static GK
The term 'Paper Gold' means
Chapters. Profit and Loss
The SP of a TV set is marked at ₹ 17600 including sales tax at the rate of 10%. Find the sales tax
Chapters. Boats and Stream
A man can row 6 km/h in still water. If the speed of the current is 2 km/h, it takes 3 h more in upstream than in the downstream for the same distance. The distance is
Chapters. Science
Bat can fly in dark because they
Chapters. Static GK
Organization responsible for maintaining Red Data Book/Red List is
Chapters. Simple Interest
What will be the difference between SI and CI on a sum of ₹ 15000 for two years at the same rate of interest of % per annum?
Chapters. Coding Decoding
If GRINDER is coded as 7654326, how is RENDER coded in that code?
Chapters. Simple Interest
The simple interest on a sum for 5 yr is one-fourth of the sum. The rate of interest per annum is
Chapters. Time and Work
8 men can finish a certain amount of work in 40 days. If 2 more men join with them, the days needed to do the same amount of work is
Chapters. Static GK
National Income estimates in India are prepared by
Chapters. History
The First Governor General of British India was
Chapters. Current Affairs
One of the states through which the Tropic of Cancer passes is
Chapters. Books and Authors
'India Wins Freedom' is the autobiography of
Chapters. Static GK
Where is the headquarter of International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD) located?
Chapters. Science
Potential is measured in
Chapters. Static GK
Who propounded the 'market law'?
Chapters. Current Affairs
In India, as per census 2011, the India's population growth rate has declined from 21.54% (2001) to
Chapters. Static GK
The Indian Parliament consists of
Chapters. Mensuration
A bicycle wheel makes 5000 revolutions in moving 11 km. Then, the radius of the wheel (in cm) is
Chapters. Coding Decoding
If PREMA is coded as 96731, how can RAMA be written in that code?
Chapters. Profit and Loss
Anil sells two houses at the same prices. On one he makes a profit of 10% and on the other he suffers a loss of 10%. Select the correct statement.
Chapters. Static GK
SPM stands for
Chapters. Coding Decoding
If TALENT is written as LATENT, how EXOTIC can be written in that code?
Chapters. Science
Ohm's law does not apply to which of the following?
Chapters. Mensuration
AB and CD are lines, P is point on AB. A line PQ meets CD at R. If angle BPR = 30 degrees and angle CRQ = 150 degrees, then
Chapters. Non-Verbal Reasoning
Identify the diagram that correctly represents the relationship among illiterates, poor people and unemployed.
Chapters. Static GK
Which is the highest peak in Andaman and Nicobar Islands?
Chapters. Simplification
is equal to
Chapters. Mensuration
The radius of a circular pond is 14m. A circular stage is made at the centre of the pond whose diameter is 14 m, what is the area where water is present?
Chapters. Non-Verbal Reasoning
Direction: Three positions of a dice are given below. Identify the number on the face opposite to 6.
Chapters. Coding Decoding
If T means '×', U means '–', V means '÷' and W means '+', then what will be the value of the following expression
(50 V 2) W (28 T 4)
Chapters. Blood relation
Introducing a man, a woman said, "His wife is the only daughter of my mother." How is the woman related with the man?
Chapters. Number System
The result of division a3 + b3 by a + b is
Chapters. Static GK
Which sector is the largest emitter of greenhouse gases in India?
Chapters. Science
Electron microscope was invented by
Chapters. Science
What is the difference between IST and GMT?
Chapters. Science
The stone formed in human kidney consist mostly of
Chapters. One Word Substitution
From the given alternative words, select the word which cannot be formed using the letters of the given word.
Chapters. Mensuration
How many metres of carpet 63 cm wide will be required to cover the floor of a room 14 m by 9 m?
Chapters. Books and Authors
Who is the author of the book 'Glimpses of World History'?
Chapters. Science
Ascorbic acid is
Chapters. Mensuration
A river 3 m deep and 40 m wide is flowing at the rate of 2 km/h. How much water (in litres) will fall into the sea in 1 minute?
Chapters. Direction and Distance
Anita drives from point a towards North and travels 30 km. She then turns to her right and travels 4 km, and then again turns to the right and drives straight for 30 km. How much distance she has to cover to go straight to the starting point?
Chapters. Non-Verbal Reasoning
Direction: Which one of the answer figures will complete the given question figure?
Chapters. Analogy
Select the related letters/words/Menumbers from the given alternatives.
Good conductor : Copper : : Bad conductor : ?
Chapters. Profit and Loss
When the price of sugar decreases by 10%, a man could buy 1 kg more for ₹ 270. Then, the original price of sugar per kg is
Chapters. Analogy
Select the related letters/words/numbers from the given alternatives.
DAM : MAD : : WARD : ?
Chapters. Science
For measuring very high temperature, we use
Chapters. Mensuration
A rectangle measures 8 cm on length. Its diagonal measures 10 cm. What is the perimeter of the rectangle?
Chapters. Seating Arrangement
Six friend A, B, C, D, E and F are sitting in a row facing East. ‘C’ is between ‘A’ and ‘E’. ‘B’ is just to the right of ‘E’ but left of ‘D’. ‘F’ is not at the right end. How many persons are to the right of ‘E’?
Chapters. Science
SONAR is based on the principle of
Chapters. Books and Authors
Who is the author of the book 'A Foreign Policy of India'?
Chapters. Percentage
Ravi invested ₹ 913 partly in 4% stock at ₹ 97 and partly in 5% stock at ₹ 107. If his income from both is equal, amount invested on first stock was
Chapters. Static GK
Which one of the following four vedas contains an acccount of magical charms and spells?
Chapters. History
Which incident led Gandhiji to withdraw Non-Cooperation Movement?
Chapters. Mensuration
What is the volume in cubic cm of a pyramid whose area of the base is 25 sq cm and height 9 cm?
Chapters. Mensuration
A copper wire is bent in the shape of a square of area 81 cm2. If the same wire is bent in the form of a semicircle, the radius (in cm) of the semicircle is
Chapters. Non-Verbal Reasoning
Direction: Find the odd figure from the given alternatives.
Chapters. Number System
A number of two digits is 6 times the sum of its digits. When the sum of its digits is added to the number, the result is 63. What is the number?
Chapters. Static GK
The river also known as Tsangpo in Tibet is
Chapters. Classification
For the following question Find the odd word/letters/number pair from the given alternatives.
Chapters. Number System
Ram has ₹ 6 more than Mohan and ₹ 9 more than Sohan. All the three have ₹ 33 in all. Ram has a share of
Chapters. Analogy
Select the related letters/words/numbers from the given alternatives.
7 : 32 : : 35 : ?
Chapters. Mensuration
If the length of the diagonal of a square is a + b, then the area of the square is
Chapters. Science
Which of the following is used in oven?
Chapters. Science
Viruses are made up of
Chapters. Static GK
The world's highest active volcano
Chapters. Coding Decoding
Which sequence of mathematical symbols can replace in the given equation
8 * 5 * 9 * 31
Chapters. Memory
RAM is …………… and …………… memory.
Chapters. Time,Speed and Distance
The traffic lights at three different road crossings change after 24 s, 36 s and 54 s respectively. If they all change simultaneously at 10 : 15 : 00 am, then at what time will they again change simultaneously?
Chapters. Order and Ranking
In a row of trees, one tree is the 7th from either end of the row. How many trees are there in the row?
Chapters. Static GK
Japan's Parliament is known as
Chapters. Science
Optical fibres are based on the phenomena of