In a coaching institute Seven students i.e. P, Q, R, S, T, U and V are doing preparation for competitive exam, so all the students have their different exams in different days of the week from Monday to Sunday in a particular same month. And their exams are IBPS, RRB, RBI, SSC, Railway, Delhi Metro and SBI. P is giving exam just before S’s exam. V is not giving the Railway’s exam. There is 4 days gap between SSC exams’ and RRB’s exam. The number of students, who are giving exams before when R is giving, is less than number of students giving exams after R’s exam. There is two days gap between when S is giving exam and When RBI’s exam will conduct.R is giving an exam, Immediate after SSC’s exam. After RRB’s exam, SBI’s exam will conduct. On Saturday Q is giving his RRB exam. There is 2 days gap between RRB’s exam and Railway’s exam. IBPS exam will conduct on the 4th day of a week. There is 2 days gap between Delhi Metro exam and U’s exam.
How many students are giving exam before when U is giving?
This has been asked in Question Paper
RBI Assistant Prelims 2016
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Chapters. Puzzles
Who among the following is giving exam of Railways?
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Who among the following is his exam on Wednesday?
Chapters. Puzzles
Which exam, R is giving on Tuesday?