If 13 L 4 A 7 = 41 and 14 A 3 L 12 = 54, then 12 L 3 A 9 = ?
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Chapters. Science
Which of the following controls the wind speed?
Chapters. One Word Substitution
In the following question, select the word which cannot be formed using the letters of the given word.
Chapters. Classification
In the following question, select the odd letters from the given alternatives.
Chapters. Science
Who among the following discovered benzene?
Chapters. Direction and Distance
Suman walks 15 km towards north. She turns right and walks another 15 km. She turns right and walks another 15 km. In which direction is she from her starting point?
Chapters. Classification
In the following question, select the odd word from the given alternatives.
Chapters. Current Affairs
Thomas Alva Edison discovered electric lamp. Edison was a/an ___________________
Chapters. Current Affairs
Which of the following is not a member of BIMSTEC?
Chapters. Coding Decoding
By interchanging which two signs the equation will be correct?
16 + 31 – 3 x 93 ÷ 11 = 966
Chapters. Static GK
The Parliament of Afghanistan was built by __________.
Chapters. Internet
The term 'hacker' was originally associated with which of the following.
Chapters. Static GK
Which committee has recommended change in the structure and ecosystem in the Indian cricket board?
Chapters. Static GK
Who among the following Indians served as the President of the International Court of Justice?
Chapters. Classification
In the following question, select the odd number pair from the given alternatives.
Chapters. Classification
Which word will appear last when arranged in order of dictionary?
1. Onion
2. Owl
3. Omnious
4. Ostrich
5. Oxford
Chapters. Static GK
Which of the following is/are the session/sessions of our Parliament
Chapters. Current Affairs
Which of the following is correctly matched?
Chapters. Science
Who had used the term "Ecology" first time?
Chapters. History
What was the objective of the Morley-Minto Reforms passed in 1909?
Chapters. Science
Which of the following statements is true?
Chapters. Science
Hereditary characterstics are passed on from parent to the offspring chiefly through ______________________.
Chapters. Sports News
Which of the following is NOT correctly matched?
Chapters. Current Affairs
Which of the following is related to the flagship scheme of the Government of India UDAN?
Chapters. Science
When a freely falling object eventually stops on reaching the ground, _______________.
Chapters. Static GK
Name the river which is a reason of dispute between India and Bangladesh?
Chapters. History
Who among the following considered "Right to Constitutional Remedies" to be the heart and soul of the Indian Consititution?
Chapters. Financial Awareness
Which type of institution is the Finance Commission?
Chapters. Classification
In the following question, select the odd word pair from the given alternatives.
Chapters. Awards
Which of the following is/are the Bharat Ratna recipient/s?
Chapters. Computer
A data warehouse is always _______________.
Chapters. Classification
Which word will appear first when arranged in order of dictionary?
Chapters. Science
Which of the following is the common name of Phosgene?
Chapters. Science
A common fluorescent tube contains ____________.
Chapters. Science
Which of the following is related to "Blue Revolution"?
Chapters. Current Affairs
Jigyasa has been launched by the government of India. Which of the following is correct about it?
Chapters. Static GK
What does the first step of "Theory of Demographic Transition" indicate?
Chapters. Static GK
The theory of "basic structure" of the Indian Constitution was propounded by the Supreme Court in the __________________________.
Chapters. Current Affairs
Chabahar Port is developed by India in ____________.
Chapters. Science
Lysosomes are known as suicidal bags because of their ______________
Chapters. Banking Awareness
In which year was the Reserve Bank of India established under the Reserve Bank Act?
Chapters. Science
Heavy water is made by ______________________ .
Chapters. Science
In which organ of the body does the detoxification of the most poisonous substances take place?
Chapters. Science
Vitamin K is related to which of the following?
Chapters. One Word Substitution
In the following question, select the word which cannot be formed using the letters of the given word.
Chapters. Classification
In the following question, select the odd number pair from the given alternatives.
Chapters. History
Under which treaty British company got the Diwani right of Bengal, Bihar and Orissa from Mughal ruler Shah Alam II?
Chapters. Classification
In the following question, select the odd word pair from the given alternatives
Chapters. History
Gresham's law in economics relates to ___________.
Chapters. Coding Decoding
n a certain code language,"PHONE" is written as "QJRRJ". How is "PAGER" written in that code language?
Chapters. Science
Loudness of sound depends upon which of the following?
Chapters. Puzzles
A is 2 years older to B. B is 5 years younger to C. C is 3 years older to D. D is 6 years younger to E. Who is the youngest?
Chapters. Static GK
Which countries are separated by the Mac Mohan Line?
Chapters. Static GK
What was the earlier name of music director A.R. Rehman?
Chapters. Classification
In the following question, select the odd letters from the given alternatives
Chapters. History
There were 8 types of marriages during the Vedic Period. Which one of them is a love marriage?
Chapters. Static GK
Under which writs the Courts sought to produce a person in the court suspected to be missing or in custody?
Chapters. Classification
Arrange the given words in the sequence in which they occur in the dictionary.
1. Kite
2. Kangaroo
3. Krypton
4. Kaizen
5. Karma
Chapters. Coding Decoding
In a certain code language, "RUN" is written as "50" and "BUS" is written as "39". How is "GUN" written in that code language?
Chapters. Classification
Arrange the given words in the sequence in which they occur in the dictionary.
1. Lively
2. Longer
3. Lasted
4. Lamp
5. Lost
Chapters. Static GK
Who founded the Vikramsila University?
Chapters. Folk Dance
Rouff is a folk dance. It has its origin in ____________.