Thu Jun 16 2022

πŸ›‘ASEAN SUMMIT & KEY FACTS :- πŸ›‘ πŸ’  1st Summit 1976 : Bali, Indonesia πŸ’  36th & 37th Summit 2020 : Vietnam πŸ’  38th & 39th Summit 2021 : Brunei πŸ’  40th & 41st Summit 2022 : Cambodia 🟠 Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) πŸ’  Founded : 1967 πŸ’  Headquarteres : Jakarta, Indonesia πŸ’  Secretary General : Lim Jock Hoi πŸ’  Member : 10 (Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand & Vietnam) πŸ”΄ Trick to Remember Countries of ASEAN πŸ’  Trick : TV CLIP of MBBS βœ“ T - Thailand βœ“ V - Vietnam βœ“ C - Cambodia βœ“ L- Laos βœ“ I - Indonesia βœ“ P - Philippines of silent βœ“ M - Malaysia βœ“ B - Burma (Myanmar) βœ“ B - Brunei βœ“ S - Singapore