Sun May 29 2022

🛑Atal Pension Yojana (APY) 🛑 ▪️Launch Date : 9th May, 2015 (Introduced from 1st June, 2015). ▪️Purpose : It is a pension scheme focused on all citizens in the unorganised sector. ▪️Under the scheme, a subscriber would receive a minimum guaranteed pension of Rs 1,000 to Rs 5,000 per month, depending upon his contribution, from the age of 60 years. ▪️Benefits : Monthly Pension of either Rs 1000/- , Rs 2000/-, Rs 3000/-, Rs 4000/- or Rs 5000/- would be paid to the subscriber after he attains the age of 60. ▪️Penalty for default in contribution : Rs. 1 per month for the contribution of every Rs. 100. ▪️APY is a guaranteed pension scheme and is administered by PFRDA. ▪️Age Eligibility - 18 years to 40 years, but he will have to make the monthly contribution till the age of 60 years. ▪️Contribution can be monthly, quarterly or half-yearly basis. #Atal_Pension_Yojana