Sun Jun 26 2022

🛑SOME IMPORTANT MoUs 2022🛑 ♦️ India + Turkmenistan : Disaster Managment. ♦️ India + Spain : Cluster Matters. ♦️India + Maldives : Field of Education. ♦️India + Denamark : Research & Development on Green Fuels. ♦️India + Nepal : For Constructing Motor Bridge on Mahakali river. ♦️ India + Phillippines : India to export Brahamos Cruise Missile to Phillippines. ♦️ India + Australia : in the Field of Tourism. ♦️ India + Australia : Economic Coperation and Trade Partnership. ♦️ India + USA : In the field of Health Sector. ♦️ India + Australia : For Technical Cooperation for Australia-India Water Security Initiative. ♦️ India + UAE : In the field of Industries and Advanced Technologies. ♦️ India + Nepal : For agricultural cooperation. ♦️ India + Jordan : For Cooperation in the fertilizer sector. ♦️ India + Bangladesh : For River Managment.